Category Archives: 6 ways to everything

6 ways to fuel your drive


 You are like jet planes, going beyond normal plains, reaching the zenith, surpassing your aims, and then moving on, unrestrained.

The difference between success and failure usually boils down to how long one can persist with their drive. The zone where you feel like nothing can beat you, you are at the top of your game, where complex tasks become facile and the improbable turns ordinary.

You strive to sustain this drive for as long as you can, but it is impossible to be in it perpetually. The fuel responsible for such a drive is rooted emotionally and sooner or later the mind comes in the middle to cut the flow.

Here are 6 ways to maximize your drives:

1. Give yourself a strong enough why– As most of the fuel for your drive is emotional, you will need a strong enough reason to pursue your endeavor. The strength of your reason will determine the energy you can tap to fuel your drive. If you don’t have a good enough reason, which caters to the common good, your fuel will soon extinguish.

2. Have pure intentions– The quality of your intentions are closely related to the strength of your purpose. For example, while assisting people to reach their peak capacity of fitness, some people do better than the others. While many are motivated solely by the money they get or some material benefit, the successful ones genuinely intend to make a healthier world.

3. Never let the hunger be satisfied– Satisfaction should be derived from maximizing your drives and not reaching some end point. Satisfaction based on targets, acts as an instant neutralizer to your drive. The moment you feel satisfied, the effectiveness of your fuel decreases. You have to aim at perpetual improvement in all spheres in order to effectively maximize your drive. You can celebrate achievements, they indicate you are on the right path, but they aren’t the destination.

4, Treat complements and criticism alike– Don’t let people sweep you off your feet or slap you. Feedback is inevitable. The fact that you are existing implies that you will be judged. At the same time try not to ignore genuine appreciation and constructive criticism. Everything else is garbage. If you involve yourself with garbage you will not only diminish the effectiveness of your fuel but also end smelling horrible.

5. Reaffirm regularly–  Unlike resistance which works at optimal levels perpetually, your belief wanes at the first opportunity you give it. And when it dips even minutely resistance is their to suck the soul out of your drive. Reaffirming and reminding yourself about the depth of your desires plays a significant role. Although you might be feeling perfect yet reaffirm regularly, an unforeseen might be right round the corner. You might run out of fuel at times, reaffirming will assist you by always having some reserve.

6. Take failure in your stride-The only way you will have an inexhaustible self replenishing supply of fuel for your drive is if you learn to take failure in your stride. If you take failure too seriously, your drives will only last till the first road block. Keep going even if you found yourself beaten and broken down, if you don’t give up you will never be defeated.

Even if you try harder than the hardest it is impossible to sustain peak levels of performance permanently. What is more important is to recognize when your spirits dwindle and put them back in alignment.

Hope you keep your spirits high and get high with the spirits this weekend. Just use the right fuels. Have a Great Day.

Cartoon cartoons – 6 characters who have shaped our thought

While you were being reprimanded for wasting your young years watching cartoons, you actually learned more important lessons than what the books could ever teach you.

Contrary to cramming irrelevant poems and byzantine formulas, cartoons were something you accepted wholeheartedly. The more natural acceptance(free will) resulted in cartoons making a greater impression on your sub conscious.

The sub conscious absorbs much more than the conscious mind. It is like a database of knowledge which accumulates over the ages, this fuels your intuition and molds your true personalities.

You are most open to ideas when young, your logic doesn’t get in your way of learning new things and acquiring new traits. With age you shield yourself, hence you learn fewer things. Hence it is ideal to fill the database of your sub conscious while resistance hasn’t polluted it.

The brilliant people who created cartoons knew this while creating characters. These characters, who we all came to adore, not only entertained you but kept you coming back for more. They taught you many subliminal life skills, which you weren’t able to comprehend then, but might understand now:

1. Scooby Doo– The friendly dog taught us the importance of silence in friendship. All you need to do is listen attentively and you make good friends. Most of you listen with the intention to speak and put your own point forward, this impairs proper understanding.

You are better off staying absolutely quiet, the speaker knows the answer to his own situation, and all he needs at most times is to empty out the problems from his system to make space for the solution.


2. Dexter– The little geek taught us how to focus in adverse situations. Dexter was able to find solutions while constantly being bullied by his effervescent sister(distraction). He helped us understand the importance of creativity and impressed upon us the idea of approaching education with a practical mindset.


3. Popeye– He helped us understand the importance of eating healthy and not backing down to challenges. Although he was out sized by Bluto, yet he had the heart of standing for what he believed in against the bad guy. He gave us the strength and belief to face challenges and stand up for the what we think is correct. The spinach loving sailor never missed a chance to help strangers and was was always on the lookout for the entire community.


4. Jerry– Its not about the size of the rat in the fight, its about the size of fight in the rat. Jerry’s struggle for survival pitted him against the cunning cat, Tom. He showed us how simplicity outwits all schemes and how the universe favors the ones with a clear and big heart. The series also indicated that an honest enemy is more valuable than a dishonest friend.


5. Courage– The cowardly dog was triggered into action every time his family were in need. He might have been an ordinary dog but extraordinary events sparked the extraordinary in him. He showed us how we can galvanize ourselves beyond the obvious to face obstacles. Rather than being afraid and running away you should run towards your problems.


6.  Bugs bunny– Other than helping you understand the importance of humor, bugs also told you to be like a mirror. To avoid conflict as much as you can but to repay fire with fire when the need arises. The carrot chewing bunny never initiated a situation but he indicated that its better to fight back than to struggle. His matchless free spirit and spontaneity are exemplary and somethings that everyone should follow.


But this was way back in the nineties, before the cartoons became super aggressive, super mechanical and super commercial. I was lucky to witness the most amazing cartoons while growing up. These free spirits not only offer respite in torrid times but also nurture free thinking.

Have a Good Day.


Some food for thought – 6 ways to a happetite


FoodWhat you eat not only determines what you look like but it also conveys a lot about your persona. Till a certain age you don’t get to decide what you eat. So you eat what is served.

Then,after a certain age, when you get the opportunity to consciously decide what to eat, you avoid it. Partly because you think its just food so why waste time, partly because you don’t want to go against the normal pattern of the household and partly because you think its all about instant gratification of the taste buds.

Either you completely ignore what you are eating or base your eating decisions on taste. The former displays your ignorance and the latter your stupidity.

Soon comes a time when you suffer as a result of your ignorance and stupidity. Due to your lack of responsible eating you are recommended to forego major portions of your diet. Then starts a long trend of regular vacations in the hospital, expensive tour guides in white coats and a staple diet of taste bud traumatizing medicines. And we are happy to partake in the precautionary procedures. The ones we led ourselves to.

Our generations has an affinity towards responsive action rather than preventive ones. You only look for drastic cures, once something drastic happens, rather than making a little effort to prevent them.

What you eat reveals a lot about your personality. Your lack of decision making, irresponsibility, lazy-ness, and lack of self control all become evident by your eating habits.

But luckily its never too late to make a change. Here are some tips on how to enhance your lives through proper nutrition, in the quickest way possible. These are the 6 ways to a happetite:

1. Proper proportioning

Frühstücken wie ein kaiser,. Mittagessen wie ein könig und abendessen wie ein bettelMann.

This German saying is ideal for someone starting off with diet control. Eat your breakfast like an emperor, your lunch like a king and your dinner like a beggar.

You don’t have to wear a crown through breakfast or go on the streets for dinner. What this implies is that you should proportion your meals properly. Breakfast should be the heaviest meal of the day and dinner the lightest. Something we all know but never apply. Oats, nuts, milk, eggs, fruits, cottage cheese, wheat bread, curd are some good alternatives for breakfast.

2. The tongue is too small an organ to base your entire appetite on– Fries, bacon,cheese, pizzas, chips, burgers always test your resolve. You just cant get a hold of your tongue. You give excuses to yourself, YOLO,POLO and what not to justify your bad eating habits. But when you end up in the operation theater 10 years down the line, you will understand that all your excuses sum up to nothing. A little moderation can help you avoid enormous pain and permanent damage to your health and appetite.

3. Healthy can be tasty too- We mostly avoid healthy eating because of the myth that it is bland and tasteless. But with an ounce of creativity and some research you can add flavor to the healthiest of foods.

4. Balance and not austerity– A balanced diet allows you to satisfy all the senses. The extremely austere ones which are available all over are difficult to follow and impossible to sustain. You might cut everything from your diet for a month and see yourself losing weight but then next month you will end up weighing double. Setting impossible targets and following strict diets is like pouring ice over someone having diarrhea. It will only worsen the situation.

5. Patience– The state you find yourselves in now is a consequence of years of unhealthy eating. You can expect to cure it in a months time. Patience is a virtue you would need most. Starting with spending time while eating, to sustaining your diet for long enough for it to have an effect, Don’t get disheartened if you don’t see immediate results, there are no quick fixes and the ones offering these are lying.

6. Small sacrifices now prevent big ones later– Subtle changes to your diet now will prevent dramatic alterations later. If you can control the urges compelling you to indulge in taste based eating, you will go a long way in being free to chose what you eat in the long run. Don’t overdo indulgences, that’s how you would be able to enjoy them throughout life.

Greatness is not defined by a single moment, it is the consequence of a way of life. What you eat is a significant component of your way of life. It wont take too much for you to live a life of greatness. Overcoming minor urges is too trivial a sacrifice in your pursuit of greatness. Love yourself enough to know and make the difference.

Have a Good Day!!!




6 common contradictions in our daily lives

Some good in the bad or some bad in the good?

Perspectives fluctuate as you evaluate what is good and bad. You are so consumed with your conceptions that you fail to analyze these contradictions. What makes people decide between two things? Why do people think differently about the same thing? Why do our choices vary?


Some are so focused on the bigger picture that they forget living the smaller one, Some are over indulgent in the moment, trying to juice too much out of it. Some see the fear while other the fun. For some climbing peaks is easier others cant even imagine climbing a stool. The diversity in perception leads to so many contradictions.

Contradictions exist in virtually everything you do. But at the end of the day you have to chose what efforts are worth the pain? As there is some good in everything bad and some bad in everything good.

Here are 6 common contradictions:

1. Work– If you are working in an organisation you are helping them realize their dreams while sacrificing your own. You get a negligible portion of the profit that you make for the company. As you are made to a number of small jobs other than what you are hired for, you look forward to weekends and lose interest in time. The allurement of a stable life prevents you from changing your often apathetic situation.

But when you work in an organisation, you get to mingle with a number of people, who help you in a number of tangible and intangible ways. You have a fixed source of money, irrespective of whether you are performing at level 10 or level 1. You don’t have to worry about anything other than the job that you are assigned, unlike the entrepreneur, who has to worry about everything from toilet seats to top level management.

Some good in the bad or some bad in the good. You choose?

2. Friends– Good friends are like anchors in your life, they remind you of the person that you were and how far you have developed. Giving you a reality check when you cant automate one. Friends are the lemon grass in your tea, the spice in your soda, the strawberry in your smoothie. Life would be bland without friends.

At times the same friends lead you to dark alleys, you would never have gone to alone. These friends hold all your secrets ready to be spilled at the first fight, friends are who you indulge in the sad habit of gossiping with and you are so engrossed with friends that you often miss out on relatives. The power of influence that friends possess is capable of distracting and deterring you from your goals.

Some good in this bad or some bad in this good. You choose?


3. Fitness– The right addiction, preventive health management, stress reliever number one. Yes fitness is the new facebook. The benefits of being fit are unimaginable. You cant live forever but staying close will get you as close as you would get to it. Other than saving a large amount of hospital bills and time which would otherwise be wasted on unhealthy activities, fitness keeps you focused and channelized.

But fitness has its flaws too. People tend to get over possessed by the fitness bug. Indulging in health supplements and steroids which are not always beneficial. Nutrition companies market magic pills and supplements which have more side effects than benefits. At the gym you are only one injury away from permanent damage. The risk, even if its minuscule always exists no matter how good or experienced you are.

Some good in the bad or some bad in the good. You choose?

4. Food– Are you eating to live or living to eat? Food is a natural therapy.Food improves moods. Taste is one of the most important senses and good nutrition a universal necessity. What you eat defines how you appear and how you feel. With countless flavors and fragrances on offer, the scope of taste becomes infinite. We have too many dishes to savor for one lifetime. If you eat well and eat what you adore you tend to be happier. The ones eating good nutrition tend to remain healthier. That’s how good food can be.

Overeating leads to obesity. People eating just for flavour tend to be a little rounder than the others. Something tasty is not always healthy. People tend to develop a habit of over eating which lasts them a lifetime.

While the ones chasing nutrition have to sacrifice on taste to some extent. A process which is again beyond the purview of perpetual sustainability. The day the taste buds start craving you end up reversing the whole process of healthy eating and tend to eat unhealthier.

Some good in the bad or some bad in the good. You choose?

5. Solitude– All you got to do to find inner peace is to take yourself away from the noise. Solitude helps you learn more about the most important person in your life. And you can help someone else if you can help yourself at first. Solitude makes you more comfortable in your own company, this gives you clarity of thought and superlative focus.

Solitude also eats off valuable time that you could have spent improving someones life. An overdoes of solitude can lead to partial or complete depression. A lack of interaction with the world can alter your thought process. At times you fail to recognize the importance of co existence and become more selfish.

Some good in the bad or some bad in the good. You choose?

6. Alcohol and recreational drugs– To some these elixirs might appear bad for their potency to alter behavior, to turn men into maniacs. It creates an infinite loop of going beyond the obvious high, chasing which one doesn’t realize when he gets addicted. Addictions in a few cases have led to people completely renouncing responsibilities. These are the evils, without even mentioning the acidic effect of both to the body.

But when we observe things a little differently, these act as a social lubricant  in an otherwise shy society, where people feel to communicate and emote freely. It activates your senses beyond the tipping point of awesome a, providing a momentary relief from this sometime stressful and often mundane life. Some believe that these magical potions render a new perspective, assisting in finding solutions and relieve stress, empowering the mind to think beyond the obvious to make sense of situations beyond the obvious.

Some good in this bad or some bad in this good. You choose?

Contradicting_signs_in_Songpa-dong,_Seoul_2004-07-06 (1)

All roads lead to the same heaven, you chose which ones to tread on. So the destination is the same, your choices make the journey unique.  Enjoy the absurdities, celebrate the chaos, we only have but one life.

Have a good day.


6 ways to be smooth in your own shoes?


At times you are so busy copying others that you fail to recognize your own talents, at others you waste your talents on cheap exhibitionism just like the celebrities you follow.

It is always easier to get influenced by the easy and more comfortable things. Difficulty lies in being inspired by work ethics, dedication and discipline. So what the media provides is a mix bag of trash that influences rather than inspires. We end up fascinated, but with very little more to offer than a mix of all the TV programs we watch or the social media we see.

Being smooth in your shoes implies being comfortable and confident in your own zone, to know what you are good at and then doing your best to further optimize your talents.

Talents are best utilized in one of the three ways:

1. In transforming oneself to a better self.

2. In making this world a better place.

3. In helping someone else realize and fulfill their potential.

But nowadays people who are busy imitating fail to build individual perspectives. This is why they don’t recognize their own talents and hence spend their lives enslaved, longing for shoes which they wont fit in.


People are too busy trying to fit themselves into someone else’s shoes to be comfortable in their own. Yes, it is very hard to overlook the great measures that PR agencies make in promoting the partial talents of their over glamorized clients. But while seeking solace in debating and discussing these inconsequential over hyped fools, we overlook the beauty in ourselves and the environment around us.

Yes we are enamored by the hope and excitement we see in someone else’s shoes. They allure us because we aren’t comfortable with our own. Here are some ways to find the beauty inside of you and to learn how to be smooth in your own shoes:

1. Take time off from virtual lives daily– Shut the TV, the smart phone and the laptop for sometime daily. When you lose touch with the virtual, you find out whats real. When you find out whats real, you realize what you actually feel.

2. Spend time with humans, don’t always talk through typing– The internet offers respite from the mundane-ness of a regular life, but more often than not we end up overdoing it. Our social skills are suffering because nowadays we majorly talk through typing. Hence we aren’t confident enough in our skills to be comfortable in our own shoes.

The only way you talk
The only way you talk

3. Short self imposed exiles, are worth the while– Spend some time away from the madness, learn stillness from the mountains and the flow from a stream, chase the sunset on a bike, savor the mornings first gleam. If you can afford to spend some time alone with nature, you will get more comfortable with yourself. Nature will unfold to you, sides of yourself which you haven’t yet discovered. The farther away you are from the world, the closer you get to yourself.

4. Lost in thought is where you actually find ourselves– It doesn’t take too much or too long to lose yourself in thought. Overcoming intrinsic resistance is the biggest obstacle to the windows of the soul. Meditation involves training yourself to overcoming this resistance. Once you are through, you can custom make your shoe.

5. Seek to inspire not to impress– It is not bad to share experiences. The bouquet of social media apps make it possible to instantly share everything you are doing and feeling. But experiencing new things, just because you want to share it later, takes the fun away from the experience and makes your lives more people centric. This doesn’t allow you to be smooth in your shoe because you are constantly molding your actions in order to impress. You can only inspire when you are comfortable being who you are, and this gets conveyed by what you share socially.

6. Exercise both the mind and body– Be spontaneous and instinctive, practice creativity consciously, if you are patient with yourself, you will get better. Same goes with exercises. When you spend time with yourself, without any obligations to the external world, you learn lessons about inner peace which no book will teach.

Preventing foot sores 


Everyone who has achieved anything significant has been smooth in their shoes. This has helped them expressed themselves fully. Although they have had enumerable inspirations but still their identity was totally unique.

Its impossible to stay away from influences nowadays. The digital invasion has made people think alike. There are divided by interests yet united by their addiction of the medium. A non addict is labelled an outcast. But till the time you don’t use the medium instead of being its slave, you will never learn to be smooth in your shoes. To achieve anything of significance its essential to be unique otherwise you are just safe in your shoes not smooth in it. Once you learn to be smooth in your shoes you inspire others to do the same automatically.

Though we live together as a united race yet we can have our own unique identities like Lions in a pride. Here are a few lines from Five finger death punch to help you stand strong in your own shoes and make a difference.

I will not be forgotten
This is my time to shine
I’ve got the scars to prove it
Only the strong survive
I’m not afraid of dying
Everyone has their time
Life never favored weakness
Welcome to the pride