The winter line

The Winter Line- A secret natural spectacle

Natures soul enriching magnificence never fails to overwhelm the ones who embrace their organic surroundings. At times, unaware of the splendor that surrounds us, we give nature a chance to dazzle us with its infinite hidden secrets. The winter line is one such secret.
I happen to have come across the winter line by accident. On a typical Sunday exploratory session, I sound myself at a remote spot neighboring the queen of the lower Himalayas Mussoorie.  Mussoorie  is aesthetically pristine by itself but not many know about this rare natural marvel. the winter line.
The winter line

What is the winter line?

From mid-October till January, with the setting sun, the western horizon is replete with myriad shades of yellow, red, orange and mauve. This is known as the winter line. The phenomenon is unique to Mussoorie and a certain place in Switzerland only …The sun drops behind what is essentially a false horizon, a grey and mauve coloured strip, and there is a bright line of yellow and orange colours at the upper end of this strip. The colours are so spectacular that onlookers are left spellbound till the sun finally sets.


Sometimes we are so occupied with the unnecessary that we become oblivious to the obvious. The world boasts of a multitude of such phenomenons waiting to be unearthed.But instead of finding solace in our surroundings, we are bound to wander aimlessly. Marvelous people and places are all around us, but we ignore these for distant alternatives.

Nature, being the best teacher has a lesson in every revelation. The subtle subliminal hints can be decrypted by those in harmony with the flow of the universe.

We are surrounded by gems of both natural and mortal kind,

Camouflaged by our ignorance, we miss out on these gifts divine.

Superficial knowledge is rendering the world blind,

Disdainful towards what makes itself available, we chase the strange sublime.

If we open the windows of our minds we will realize, the universe is grander than it meets the eye,

Everyone has some magic inside, and yes there are diamonds in the sky.


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