Tag Archives: Nutrition

Intra Workout Drink – What to drink during your workouts?

I used to think the term BCAA(branch chain amino acids)  was synonymous to an intra workout drink.  Yes the same heavily marketed BCAA’s which have amazing flavors and are pushed by supplement stores.

But my ACSM certification in nutrition  has helped me understand what to look for in an Ideal Intra Workout Drink.

Firstly , I am not against using BCAA’s but most people treat them as purely an intra workout drink without understanding what they are made of and meant for. This lack of knowledge has many implications in the long run.

The Scientific Breakdown of BCAA

Branched chain amino acids (BCAA) are the building blocks of protein. These are essential for muscle growth and recovery, and can be consumed throughout the day. Having them together with a high protein diet leads to excessive uric acid which is detrimental to bone health.

Treating  BCAA as an intra workout drink(if managed well with the protein you take daily)  is not wrong, but during a workout your body needs some other elements to enhance performance and prevent dehydration.

Here is what your body requires during a workout.

Components of an Ideal Intra Workout Drink

  1. Energy

During a workout your body needs instant energy as it has to undergo excessive stress. For this a high glycemic carbohydrate is ideal. (something which immediately provides energy, without much need to be broken down). The simplest  and fastest dissolving form of Carbohydrate is glucose. Thus glucose should be one of the components of an ideal intra workout drink.

2. Electrolytes 

The body looses water in the form of perspiration(sweating) during a workout.  Along with sweat, the body also loses essential salts, which need to be replaced. Here are some of them and their functions.. intra workout drink

3. Tonicity- Water enters and exits body cells by the process of osmosis. Wherein it travels from its higher concentration to its lower concentration through the semi permeable cell wall.  In simple words water moves from a solution where it is present in abundance to the solution where it is lesser. This is maintained by the electrolytes mentioned above.

Based upon the tonicity drinks can be classified in to :

  • Isotonic sport drinks contain similar concentrations of salt and sugar as in the human body.
  • Hypertonic sport drinks contain a higher concentration of salt and sugar than the human body.
  • Hypotonic sport drinks contain a lower concentration of salt and sugar than the human body.

The best suited among these for your intra workout drink is an isotonic drink.

Why Drinking Water is Not enough?

Pure water is not an ideal intra workout drink as it might help you quench thirst but it will not ensure proper hydration. Water provides no sodium, which helps the body hold onto water and helps fluid get to the right places in the body, like muscles and blood.

What do I recommend?

There are a number of ways in which you can make an isotonic drink at home. But I choose to use Enerzal . As it has all the essential elements of an ideal intra workout drink. intra workout drink

Do give it a try and no they dint pay me for saying this, yet.


Importance of Antioxidants : Vitamin ACE

Antioxidants safeguard your body by removing free radicals which develop at the end of metabolic reactions inside your body. Antioxidants either prevent them from forming or act as scavengers for these free radicals.

Usually your body does a good job at getting rid of these active radicals by itself. But at certain times, due to fatigue, illness, environmental factors, it fails,  this leads to a condition called Oxidative stress.

“The term is used to describe the condition of oxidative damage resulting when the critical balance between free radical generation and antioxidant defenses is unfavorable.”

This means that there is a mismatch between the number of free radicals being produced and your bodies natural ability to remove them. Oxidative stress leads to a umber of consequent diseases.

“A role of oxidative stress has been postulated in many conditions, including anthersclerosis, inflammatory condition, certain cancers, and the process of aging.”

To prevent this harmful condition and keep the free radicals in check, it is always advised to a have Antioxidants through the your diet.

Antioxidants in Food: Vitamins ACE

Although your body has several enzyme systems which help scavenge free radicals but essential micronutrient(Vitamin) sources which help eliminate them have to be taken through your diet.

Vitamins A( Beta Carotene, which is a precursor to vitamin A), C and E are prime antioxidants which help get rid of free radicals. Food sources which are rich in them should be an integral part of any diet plan as these cant be produced by the body.

VITAMIN A-  It is the first of the antioxidants vitamins triumvirate. This fat soluble vitamin is also good for eyes, skin, bones and immunity. It supports normal functioning of major body organs as well. Here are some common food sources.


VITAMIN C- The second of the antioxidants vitamins triumvirate of Vitamins A, C and E, vitamin C has many other important uses like enhancing immunity. This water soluble vitamin also helps the body form and repair connective tissues, including bones, blood vessels and skin. Here are some common food sources of the same.


VITAMIN E- This fat soluble vitamin is really useful in skin, eye and hair problems. It is also useful in protection against neurological diseases like alzheimers other than being one of the most powerful antioxidants. Here are some food sources.


Antioxidants and India 

The Indian style of cooking includes many natural occurring antioxidants. Vegetables and vegetables and even spices contain vital antioxidants. It is very beneficial to derive your antioxidants from natural sources as far as possible so that there is less risk of commercial adulteration.

The concept of functional foods is gaining prominence because of changing lifestyles and diseases.

“Functional food enters the concept of considering food not only necessary for living but also as a source of mental and physical well-being, contributing to the prevention and reduction of risk factors for several diseases or enhancing certain physiological functions”

So be mindful of what you eat and try to focus more on eating for your body beyond the tongue.

Have a Good Day

Reference: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3249911/


The positive predilection- Fitness of body, mind and soul

Truculent souls keep fighting peace, the corpulent ones cant give up cheese

The smoker engages with counting buds, the crooks gone too crooked trying to be thugs,

Digital addictions don’t let you lose sight of the screen, others losing themselves chasing the gloss and the gleam.

The opulent are victims to the urges of prodigal shopping, while indigent derive ephemeral pleasures from bottle popping.

The overly consecrated couldn’t care less about their neighbors dying, while TV maniacs turn belligerent seeing their favorite daughter-in-law crying.

Deleterious addictions are too sweet to swallow, breaking all the rules is too easy a task to follow.

I don’t intend to daze and amaze in my pursuit of creating a better life, I merely intend to pay the dues for just being alive.

Post workout sores are the sweetest treat, like any good addiction they don’t let you sleep.

The time that you actually waste, can be used in making others life better, sweetening their taste.

It doesn’t matter if you’re weaker than a newly hatched cherub when you begin, ure positive predilection is finally gonna make you win, soon you’d be putting impossible to the test every time you enter the gym.

An earnest step in good faith(towards your nearest fitness centre) will fill you with energy that simultaneously feeds the essential triad of mind, body and soul….

and as this addiction grows hear my voice ringing in your head saying “I told you so…”