Tag Archives: Muse

Some soul wrenching news for the capricious self proclaimed muse


Often we find ourselves in a state of deprived inspiration and start believing that motivation lies outside. In another person, a book, caffeine, an article. We chain ourselves to these muses and give them control of deciding when we feel what we do.

The muse is a mystifying manifestation of thought, compelling us to believe in its existence, enslaving our minds to the extent of utter dependency. Dependency that you try to resist but cant do anything about. It raps around your mind like a Boa constrictor and governs your highs and lows.

It makes you feel vulnerable, making you realize your inability to orchestrate your own lives. It might be like an injection of inspiration but then it teases you at times, when you think you need it the most.

In spite of paragons  from diverse fields emphasizing the relevance of a muse, I believe it to be more of an obstacle to your progress and a fracture to your wills.

Rather than waiting to be inspired, we are better of acting and later inspiring people from the consequence of our actions.

It is true that One can be instructed in society, one is inspired only in solitude, as a result one is  better off finding the potential within than exploring the world to find it.

The Muse, capable of polarizing  into identities, inspired or dissuaded,

Capable of stimulating your souls or rendering your spirits jaded.

Capable of galvanizing your thoughts and leading you into uncharted territories to make you find your surreal high,

Capable of taking you to the epitome of your potential, but when you need it the most, it hoodwinks and belies.

An obfuscator, it  makes the ingenuous trivialize the potency of their own will, It takes ornate forms,

Which are too indubitable for prejudiced minds to distill.

Its ludicrous to depend on the without when the afflatus lies within,

If you find yourself exhorted by Gauds,  its a feckless life that you seem to be living.

Be curious, explore the inexhaustible reserves of resolve inside,

Your strength of purpose should suffice to make you realize the dreams that you contrive.

The indomitable seldom need an external impetus, their enthusiasm never subsides,

Propelled  by their zeal to achieve, they set goals and just glide.

Safe from the deleterious muse my self-replenishing will is immune to external influence,

Seeing people lament, waiting for their muse to show, makes me take pride in my undying exuberance.

In your heart resides all the potential you wish to realize,

Do some soul searching and you would come up with some soul wrenching news for the capricious self proclaimed muse in your life.

Dancing to the tunes of the muse

Don’t walk around with an empty bucket when you have a fountain inside.

Feeling useless cause you are museless, when the muse herself is a creation of thought. The motivation of living to create put in the hands of an external force, is like waiting for the steak to come to your plate. A muse cant fill your empty bucket, its just the fountain inside which replenishes the creative force, if you manage to keep it uninhibited from external muses.

Muses at the Gym

More often than not the muse serves as an excuse to delay action. The multiple forms that this external force takes serve more as excuses than to empower. The gym can be a good example for this. I couldn’t lift as much today cause I dint have my pre-workout, Museless! I don’t feel like working out cause they dont play good music, Museless! The gym doesn’t have any energy, its too empty,Museless! These among others which include I forgot my headphones, I dint have enough proteins, I don’t feel comfortable in the new shoes are all Museless excuses, which were initially meant to be supports and turn out to be self imposed prisons.

Muses while writing

A writers prime job of piercing the mundane to find the marvelous gets blunted if the source of inspiration is primarily external. The muse might appear as the initial injection of inspiration but in time divulges its true colors. As the creator gets used to the muse, he loses his ability to think independently and wastes time waiting for the muse to turn up.One is better off at making persistence his muse,throwing himself into the never ending loop of creation. This will keep you focused at the task at hand and prevent you to be led astray in search of the Muse.

Does the muse impair spontaneity?

If an external force is required to foster thoughts and ideas, will you think about the muse or the situation at hand, as it occurs. Yet again depending on the misleading muse not only wastes your time but eats off your spontaneity,  which in all honesty is the source for all innovation and creativity. Defeating your habit, of pursuing the muse for ideas,by spontaneous originality helps you overcome the ill habit of always having to look up to an external force for solutions.   

We are bound to get dependent when we seek external inspiration to seek the truth,

The muse is meant to dance for us, but most often we end up dancing to the tunes of the muse.