Tag Archives: morning

The Magic of Mornings – 7 Ways to Start your Day?

The decisions you make as soon as you wake up end up defining your day, which ends up defining your life. So it is essential to learn how to start the day before learning anything else.

The mystical powers of mornings cant be undermined, it is the time of the day when your awareness meets existence, your free will meets the flow of life. This is the reason everyone gets to define their day in their own way.

The majority who keep snoozing the alarm are simultaneously snoozing their struggles, the ones waking up with a spring in their step look forward to the prospects of countless opportunities that are veiled behind the clouds of laziness.

How to start your day?

Well actually there is no perfect way to start your day,everyone has to make their own. But there are few aspects which help you design your morning rituals in order to increase your energy levels and quality of life. These also help you be more productive and efficient, to maximize your organic potential.

start your day

As early as possible

The benefits of proper sleep can’t be undermined.. As mentioned in Sleep Shortcuts  you need to sleep at specific hours to complete rest when it comes to your brain and hormones which helps you with your energy levels through the day. Early rising is not only in accordance with your natural circardian rhythm, sleep cycle, but also gives you alone time in the morning, without the disturbances of people around you, to connect better with yourself without any influences.


Set an early morning wake up time and see how your body automatically re-arranges its sleep patterns.  Take baby steps and learn hacks to control sleep cycle by reading Sleep Shortcuts. 

Jump Start, When you snooze you lose – The  first few seconds when you wake up set a trend for the rest of your day.  They not only indicate the kind of life you live, something you want to avoid, or something you look forward to, but also  determine the direction it will go to, the one you decide or the one fate decides for you. When you jump start your day, you send a very strong signal to the universal energy. This optimism laden signal brings you more energy and fortune smiles on your positive attitude to add to it with some cosmic magic.


Don’t use an alarm clock, let your body adapt naturally. You might fail a few times and miss your time, but if you use an alarm, you keep alive the option of snoozing, to start your day with intent the decision has to come from your inner core.

Meditation and Affirmations – Man is a social animal, but a solitary being. This means you are blessed with free will, which sets you apart from everyone around you. So you don’t need anyone to approve what you feel about yourself, you have define it individually. For this an inner awareness through meditation  and an outer expression of your beautiful self through  affirmations is a must. Meditation means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, the basic ethos is to connect with your inner self, as a distinct part of the whole.


Just notice your breathe for 2 mins as you wake up while deep breathing.  Keep one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach, when you inhale the hand on the stomach should move and the one on the chest should remain still. Breathing being the bridge between the tangible and the intangible, outer and inner, signifies a lot and helps you with realizing inner peace and magic.

I believe written affirmations are really effective, make a habit of writing  I AM followed by 40 qualities you have or inspire to have as one word of action (I am grateful, I am  Caring, I am Loving, I am successful) for 40 days and you will see how it all comems to you.

Gratitude, Forgiveness, Faith and Hope – Being grateful for what you have will get you more  of what makes you grateful. Forgiving oneself rids your from dream crushing guilt and forgiving others liberates you from their control. Faith reassures your  belief in the goodness of life and Hope helps you chase the extraordinary. Directing your attention towards these aspects early in the day, recentre’s your scope.


With eyes shut, Envision yourself as an insignificant particle of this cosmos. Slowly expand your being from where you are to the far corners of the universe. As you do, align yourself with the energy of each realm, the immediate realm around you, at your home, in your neighborhood, in your city on your planet, Expand to the entire solar system and float among the planets then the stars then all other dimensions.  As you expand, be perceptive of the awe inspiring amazingness which makes life and its multiple facets possible, be grateful for it, and from their will arise forgiveness, faith and hope.

Music and Motivational Video –  A motivating piece of content early in the morning and work wonders for you. It is said that everyone who listens to positive videos and music earlier on in the day, involves him or herself  in increasing the goodness of the planet.  Rather than just rushing through the morning and the day, these people are more mindful and add positive energy all around them, which is little of paying back the universe for the gift of life.


These are some of the channels I like:

Motivational Hub

Be Inspired


Make your BED

Finally a small but significant part of your morning,  make your bed. Other than physical aspect of cleanliness, it emits a vibe of clarity and discipline, completing the task of sleeping isn’t over till you make your bed, and whats best is when you come back home at night you get a well made bed to sleep on.


Spread bed sheet evenly, tuck it at the corners. Fold the blanket, arrange the pillows, smile while you do it thinking about this article.

Warm Water, Lemon and Honey

Squeeze some good health into your lives early in the morning,  there are many  good effects of water in your system  early in the morning, along with lemon and honey its an elixir.


Warm Water, Squeeze lemon, add spoonful of honey, lick the poon, drink from the glass, one sip at a time.

Do share your inputs on how you start your day. What do you have first thing in the morning? Do you have any other morning rituals which can help others?


I hope you start your day well and invest time in being the authors of you story.