Tag Archives: inspiration

Chasing Dreams- No Days Off

The calendar was created to organize time not to dictate the pace of your life. The modern work perspective gives too much impetus to Monday morning blues and Thank God its Friday. Most of this created by stability chasing people who work halfheartedly towards the realization of someone else’s dreams. For them the bigger the break the better it is, the longer the weekend the more fun filled their life is. They might end up with a lot of money living this incomplete life, but do they really feel fulfilled at the end of it?

If you partake in any endeavor thinking about anything else except the task, then the job is not meant for you. You are not doing it with enough passion for you to make a difference into your own or anyone else’s life, you are easily replaceable and even if you succeed you will never be fulfilled.

The Dream Catching Trap

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There is a small group of dreamers, the people who started the companies you aspire to work for. How are they different, they never fell for the trap. They dared to dream beyond the trap set by the enumerable organisations and companies wanting to enslave them, and the colleges and institutions  wanting to train them to be enslaved.

For these dreamers work was more pleasure than pressure. Unlike others they took no days off cause they had a vision of greatness for themselves. They dint take up ordinary tasks just to find stability, they were devoted to their dream, intoxicated by their ideal, fanatics who dint cave in to the demands of society, who dint work thinking about the lunch hour, who worked free from the bondages of time.

Their future vision of themselves is what propelled them to sacrifice. Empowered by their imagination of a mesmeric future they never cared about the how, they kept doing what needed to be done.


From fear to freedom

But as life moves on these daring dreamers perish, evolution has introduced fear into genetics. The dreamers of the past have been replaced by a set of soft individuals who choose to be enslaved so that they can complain, who chose to let go off their dreams so as to be protected, who chose to fulfill someone else’s dream halfheartedly rather than chase their own wholeheartedly.

Have faith in your own vision, believe in your self, let your intuition guide you before someone else captures your imagination and leads you to the path of mediocrity and bored working hours.

If you are not willing to put in 110% effort for 25 hours a day, 8 days a week on the fulfillment of the task that you are working on with a smile on your face, then you are wasting your life and time.

Chase dream

Success vs Stability

As smarter people in need of your time and energy sugarcoat jobs and make them appear lucrative, it becomes impossible for people to follow their passions, knowing the short term pay off wont be as great.

You fail to understand that this short term barter will dent your psychology and condition you to be dependent all their lives, You become mental and emotional wrecks but still bare with everything that is thrown at you at the work place because you will never be able to embrace freedom, to act by yourself.

Instead of reading articles like “6 ways to build a charismatic aura” you will read “6 ways to avoid working on weekends” or “6 ways to deal with a dictator boss” or “6 ways to use Facebook at work”.

Discover your dreams and start working on them, just like anything else in life you will face roadblocks and obstacles, but if you are bale to bare with it for long enough, you will manage to lead a fulfilling life where all your dreams will come true.

6 ways how nature helps you hack life

An awakened mind learns more from the smallest things in nature, enlightenment then is not a destination but a means of understanding life better. The enlightened one is empowered with a superior receptivity, an understanding which sets him apart from common perception.

Most of us have similar patterns of living, yet some of us notice things that others don’t. This is a result of an inner awakening which doesn’t alter the surroundings but finds newer meanings from similar things.

Nature for me is the best teacher. If you find time to observe it, you learn many lessons that books and institutes don’t teach. The unlimited scope of knowledge at your disposal is easily ignored because of fast paced lives and the struggle for survival. But the ones who rid themselves from this daily rat race will acknowledge the scope of therapeutic natural secrets and mysteries waiting to be unraveled.

Here are six ways how nature helps you hack life :

1. The exuberance of birds and bees instills joy into reality- The chirpy birds and buzzing bees can only be heard in the backdrop of horns, shouts and noise these days. Usually they are perceived as disturbances on a lazy morning, but when one comes to think of it, they not only provide a relief from mechanical noise but also indicate the excitement present in these little souls and how they celebrate each moment of their limited lives.

Lessons you can incorporate in your own lives– You don’t need too much to be excited, you can be happy with whatever is around you.


2.  The stillness of plants and trees renders calmness to your sense of being- At time life demands you to run and at others you just need to be still. The latter part has almost become impossible due to the enumerable distractions of the modern world. Plants and trees carry on with their daily responsibilities, of sustaining life, without expecting much in return.

Lessons you can incorporate in your own lives-When you feel restless , craving attention, excitement, doing whatever it is that you do, just observe the simplicity with which a tree operates all its daily responsibilities. Its selfless stillness will help you keep calm and simplify life.


3. The well orchestrated natural systems which supports life, show us the unconditional love which nature provides– Many small things systems align in the most perfect order to make life possible. The night and day cycle, the water cycle, the weather, wind system, solar system, all contribute towards making this life possible for humans who don’t have to do anything to deserve this gift. Its natures unconditional love which makes life possible and you being
a part of nature should strive to radiate as much unconditional love as possible.

Lessons you can incorporate in your own lives- You don’t always need a reason or motive to do something good to someone, just like nature doesn’t need a reason to make this life possible for you. Go one make a day, make someone happy beyond measure without expecting anything in return.

4. There is a new day after every calamity, there is no permanent pathos, makes you realize that there is always clarity after the chaos- Nature has a way of bouncing back from calamities, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and asteroids, have always obstructed life but never terminated it. Most calamities are man made but nature does its best to help humans recover from these and for itself and the human race to progress.

Lessons you can incorporate in your own lives– In life you will come across many problems, you will suffer from the consequences of someone else’s mistakes, but that doesn’t mean you give up. Beyond the chaos in your life, will live clarity, don’t give up on yourself just like nature gives up on you.

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5. The abundant joys at offer regardless of the pollution humans cause, teaches us a thing about love and accepting people with all their flaws- Yes you play a pivotal role in polluting the world(collective responsibility as a race) . Air, water, wind and though pollution all stem from us humans. But irrespective of all our attempts to sabotage natural life, we wake to a bright sun every new day.

Lessons you can incorporate in your own lives- When nature offers you all its gifts without partiality why do you judge and fail to accept people as they are. Love unconditionally, spread the magic which is inside your soul.


6. The mesmeric aesthetic  surprises we get when we least expect inspires us to do good to others without regret– Nature never seizes to amaze you with its magnificence. When you least expect it, nature uncovers one of its enumerable aesthetic surprises like a sunset when you are travelling, a gentle breeze when you are sweating, unexpected rain when its hot. nature has the knack of perfectly placing one of its beautiful surprises in front of you when you need some cheering up, or need to be inspired.

Lessons you can incorporate in your own lives-Be a source for such magnificence for others. Shine and illuminate the lives around you, surprise people with your goodness, make the sad ones smile, the angry laugh, add to the happiness of the lives around you without wanting a medal for it .

Although these things are pretty obvious but the rat race doesn’t allow us to take our attention to notice and act on the subliminal lessons of nature.

Hope you can unearth some of your own life lessons that nature brings to you in varied ways. If you are keen on listening nature will speak to you, so try to listen carefully. If you are keen on seeing nature will show you ways of improving your lives, so see carefully. Charge yours senses and you will discover enumerable lessons around you, which will help you lead a fruitful life.

If you can harness your energies and re-calibrate your view, you will be able to notice that nature has embedded within it many hidden clues, You can either spend your life ignoring these like a fool or awaken yourself and utilize these to create a better you. 

Inspire – Add the extra to the ordinary

In barbaric times, when war was fought with swords rather than thoughts, some men were able to uplift ordinary men and turn them into immortal warriors.

Some men had the capability to inspire and empower those around to them to go beyond their established dispositions and surpass their expectations of themselves.

Wars weren’t always won by well trained soldiers but by common men who were inspired to believe in their unlimited potential. The empowered souls inspired by the potential seen in them went beyond their normal capabilities and ended up accomplishing much more than they had thought of themselves before.

Here is an example from the movie Troy where Achilles stirs ordinary soldiers and expects them to be lions. This gives the common soldiers a potential to justify which they eventually do when a handful of them decimate hundreds of Trojan soldiers to conquer the beach at troy. The battle was won before it stated, in the inspired heads.

Inspiration in the post barbaric era 

In the modern world, where no swords are drawn and most battles are mental, where individuals seem to be at war with themselves, where people around you are waiting for an opportunity to criticize you at the slightest failure,  you are bound to live an uninspired and therefore uninspiring lifestyle.

Fear compels you to always take the safer route and the society compels you to aim for stability and not success,

The generic thought perception has stagnated and people are averse to thinking beyond the bubble that the society confines them to. As a result they have stopped believing in their own individual capabilities.

This necessitates agents who inspire,  who see the best in people and help them recognize and consequently realize their actual potential.


Inspire In modern social circles people accept each other as they are because everyone has similar limiting beliefs and confidencelessness. So most people use each other for whiling away time without adding anything to each others identities.

One needs to push people around him beyond their limiting bubble of beliefs and show them their true potential.

You only have to kindle the light in a dormant heart, soon the long lost passion takes over and sets ablaze repressed potential into a ball of fire, greatness in then achieved.

The magic in every soul 

There is some amount of magic in every soul which trespasses this realm. Time seems to have shut your dreams away. It is up to us then to help each other discover our long lost magic, instead of wasting time sharing news, seeking empty appreciation and just being a witness to life events.

The meanest person might have a soft spot, the greediest miser might have a hidden talent, the slimiest dealer might have a unique skill, it depends on noticing these things and pointing it out to give these people a chance to improve.

Everyone has the ability to inspire people around them, add a little extra to their ordinary lives,  but it all boils down to who cares enough to relinquish selfish endeavors and follow selfless ones.

Have a Good Day.


Harnessing digital addictions- Share with care

Back in the day Viral was just an ailment, feared by all, wanted by none. But in the modern world of social media and 30 seconds to fame, going viral is the mission of most people’s life.  The unforgiving addictions of wanting to know all and wanting to be known by all has slowly but surely phased itself into society. It is high time that we accept and find ways to live with these addictions rather than running away.

What started off like an adolescent abnormality has turned itself into a world wide epidemic. The absolute irony of people posting pictures of their digital detox on various social media handles typifies the extent to which we stand addicted. The addiction is here to stay, so we can either enslave ourselves to it everlastingly or turn this unavoidable addiction into something which serves the common good.

Digital from teether’s to tombstones

When virtual profiles are groomed more than the self, when image editing software’s are applied more than soap and oil, when chargers are packed before toothbrushes, and when self worth is measured by the number of virtual approvals one receives, then it is safe to say that yiu are enveloped by a digital blanket, one which cant be avoided, only accepted. A blanket which is thrusted upon you when you are born and which lasts till you pass away.


This digital blanket has made itself a daily part of our lives. It has bought with it enumerable problems and possibilities. People from remote places, even ones living remote lives in bigger places, suddenly get a chance to a establish an identity in front of a wider audience.  The get noticed, acknowledged, appreciated, liked, retweeted, shared quick brigade is all a consequence of the digital Renaissance. Without realizing what they are sharing people just want to make their mark on the virtual world, wanting to be noticed.

Lets go Viral- Of selfies and pouts

When grown men and women cant control their urge to indulge in the virtual world, their younger counterparts cant be expected to do the same. Social media is as big a part of a persons life as waking up, going to the washroom and having breakfast. Cuz most of you are on social media all throughout, even while undertaking the above mentioned activities.

You can fool yourself and the world for a while but you will have to accept it sooner rather than later that social media is an unavoidable reality, one which has slowly made itself a vital component of existence.

So with that in mind people can use it in cheap attempts to fast track their way to empty fame, misguide others by depicting life as only a series of happy selfies and pouts, or utilize it to put a smile to someones face and get them out of their gloom.

The need to be admired

Man is not a solitary creature and everyone needs that pat on the back or that like on the status. Who are we kidding, compliments are always welcome. Yet, one should be mindful of what one is doing in order to get complimented.

Projecting a false image,  imitating a superstar, depictions of brashness,vulgarity and violence, might get you the momentarily relevance that your empty soul craves, but they make you part of a confused identity-less majority. You can satiate your admiration vacuum by doing something much more constructive than making empty attempts of going viral.

Harnessing the addiction

Most of us are addicted to social media, it forms a a vital part of our lives. So rather than resenting or being egotistical about it you can harness this addiction and use it to satisfy your need to be admired by actually doing something admiration worthy. Be mindful of what you share, share experiences which will help someone, a thought that might act like the glue to someones broken heart, an idea that would help fix someones jigsaw.


Use what man has created to benefit himself in actually benefiting the race rather than making yourself famous. If you are good at what you do no one can stop you from going viral, if you are an empty vessel, you might get a few appreciators but your hollow life will never become full of joy.

Be mindful, share to inspire.

Have a good day.






The Altrusitic Avenger- A modern day superhero

Its a sin to quit and no one wants to be average. Everyone has that secret aspiration of being a superhero. But in a world devoid of super powers and unearthly talents, it is almost impossible to imitate the Godliness of your fictitious idols.

Your idea of a superhero is derived from the stories you have heard. But if you look closely you will find out most of these stories omit the obstacles and challenges these heroes faced.

It might have taken a Herculean obstacle to thwart Hercules, but even Hercules tumbled and fell. Even Achilles had an Achilles heel.Even Zeus was distracted by beauty They were not as indomitable as you think they were, they were just glorified in the tales you heard. Tales told by their PR agents to create a God like aura around them, to increase followers and demoralize enemies.

Over glorifying Chinese whispers

Most superheroes tickle your imagination with their indestructive nature. You are awe struck by how they overpowered every calamity or beast that came their way. They might amaze you by their immunity to mood swings, diseases and other common mortal disorders. But then it will be foolish to glamorize a demigod by singing songs about his stress or chanting praises about his pain or disclosing details about his diarrhea.In short tales of trouble wont make for a good reading.

modern day superhero

So, what you aspire to be is a glorified protagonist from a semi fictitious tale which has been augmented from ear to ear, just like a game of Chinese whispers among overtly optimistic people. In reality every one has weaknesses. everyone goes through the same kind of life laced with stress, disease and misfortune.In the modern world a super hero can be defined as a common man, who has the courage to fight his own battles and the concern to help out others fight their’s.

Reality- A land away from Comic Books  

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In a land far away from comics and mythical tales, you can see people struggling with the reality of their lives. As man sets off on his journey in this modern world his thoughts are shaped by the complexity of the world which he has created for himself. A digital world laden with luxuries, pampered with pleasures and draped with distractions. It is hard to keep focus with all the nuances around let alone find time and energy to be a superhero.

But when reality hits you, and if you are lucky enough to rid yourself from the blindfolds of guilty pleasures and take the first steps away from mediocrity, you feel the heat from the sun in a way you have never felt before. Many burn out before actualizing their dreams, many bow down to the real problems of the real world.

Only the ones who find their feet get the chance to fall, so when life trips you, dust yourself off and stand tall, and if you think you cant, don’t waste time crying just start to crawl.

Success is a matter of more than a few tries and quitting is always unwise, so keep your eyes on the prize and sooner or later you will see yourself rise.

You wont see the troubles at the start, but time will test your body, soul and heart.

And when you rise above the realms of mediocrity they will see you as there guiding light, living similar lives but with perspective poles apart.

The altrusitic avenger- The Modern Day Superhero


Its very easy to be the Hulk of SUlk, or be the Spidey who gets caught in the web of his own negativism, so stop living your life poisoning others life like a Black widow, be focused on your goals, see them through a Hawk’s eye, hammer down on your obstacles like Thor and Iron out your flaws like a man. This will allow you to be the Captain of your destiny and make your life much more than a spectacle to Marvel. When you overcome the obstacles and achieve your dreams you become an example for everyone around you. This along with an ounce of empathy and compassion will make you the altruistic avenger, and ideal modern day super hero who can not only save himself but lead everyone to a better future.