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Top 5 tips for a beginners calisthenic workout program

Everything in the universe has rhythm, everything dances. Your body is no different. It has its own graceful way of flowing across the visual spectrum, in perfect sync with its surroundings. Calisthenics utilizes this grace of movement to achieve bodily fitness. I thought it would be helpful for sharing 5 tips for a beginners calisthenic workout program, so that it would be easier for people to practice this connatural way of staying healthy.

What is Calisthenics?

This beautiful form of exercise, in which you use nothing other than your own body weight, originated in ancient Greece. Its rhythmic nature and aesthetic grace make it more of an art form than exercise.  The creative possibilities of this form of training is endless.

How to practice it?

A beginners calisthenic workout comprises basic body weight exercises like planks, push ups and pull ups. As your body gets more accustomed to the basic movements, you use your creativity to generate more resistance by rearranging your center of gravity and  finding variations.

beginners calisthenics workout program

Top 5 tips for a beginners calisthenic workout program

After practicing it for over 3 years now, I still believe I am far from being a calisthenic expert. Just like life, the learning process with this unconventional exercise  form is endless.  Nonetheless the experience over these years has helped me gather a few insights which will be helpful to anyone wanting to partake in a beginners calisthenic workout.

Here are 5 tips for a beginners calisthenic workout program:

  1. Its all about the CORE – Core stability forms the basis of most body weight workouts. So one must ensure a strong set of abdominal and gluteal muscles.  This can only be accomplished by using many static hold exercises like the plank, v-ups, plie holds etc.
    beginners calisthenics workout program
  2. Static to Dynamic– To ensure proper muscle development, beginners must always move from static exercises to dyanmic ones. Before you get into variations which involve a lot of movement you must always engage in static exercises (as mentioned above). This will help you identify and engage all the muscles associated with that specific movement.
  3. Push and Pull – If you really want to pursue calisthenics be ready to do push ups and pull ups without counting. These are the most common body weight exercises. If these are mastered then they form the basis of more creative movements. Try to reach a level of natural ease with push ups and pulls up before going in for something more complicated.
  4. The Medrano Effect– Out of the thousands of things you watch online everyday, spend 15 mins noticing the movements of experts in the field of calisthencis. Not with intention of aping them blindly(it wouldn’t be possible, they have been practicing this discipline for too long), but understand the harmony and rhythm of movement. Frank Medrano is to calisthenics was Muhammad Ali was to Boxing or Sachin Tendulkar was to Cricket, Do check him out.
  5. Power lies in Patience– Don’t be afraid to fall a hundred times over, don’t be disheartened if the movements that you envisioned yourself doing, don’t happen too soon. The most important tip for a beginners calisthenic workout plan is patience. Your resolve will surely be tested, but your patience will not go unrewarded. PicsArt_01-09-03.10.32With the game plan set its time you take the plunge into this beautiful discipline wholeheartedly. The benefits of calisthenics are plentiful. These include:
  • No equipment required
  • Can be performed anywhere at anytime(even at home)
  • Full body workout
  • More scope for creativity and fun than dumbbells
  • Its functional nature helps develop relevant muscles in perfect proportion
  • Its rhythmic nature brings harmony to the mind

With so many benefits I think everyone must make calisthenics a part of their workout routines. Hope you can use and share these 5 tips for a beginners calisthenic workout program in your circle of healthy friends.

Do have a look at this article to know what you have to do before hitting the gym. So that you are well prepared to practice calisthenics or whatever you like at the gym.