A Stairway to Spiritual Health and Wellness

First man created religion to safeguard himself and humanity, now man destroys himself and humanity to safeguard Religion.

Religions started off with an individual wanting to spread love, health and wellness.  As more and more people started aligning themselves to this persons philosophy societies were created to elevate the spirit beyond the self, These societies of common spiritual philosophies came to be known as religion.

The doctrines of all such spiritual groups involved sharing love, health and wellness among all around you. But as a result of different brand names, gradually more significance was paid to protecting the brand rather than the philosophies behind it, even if it meant going against the actual philosophies of the person who inadvertently created a brand wile trying to spread love.

Doesn’t  the life of the person who initiated the brand serve as blue print to infinite health and wellness? Shouldn’t you exchange your rituals and ceremonies by efforts to copy the lifestyle of these supreme beings you pray to?

The individual who had initiated these cults of spreading love, health and wellness would be sadly disappointed at how his philosophies have been ignored and how modern day brand ambassadors misinterpret his teachings to divide the world.

Postulates of Every Religious Messiah

It doesn’t take too much common sense to figure out the common postulates behind every religion. These include:

  1. Spread love and happiness
  2. See the best in others
  3. Be mindful of your dwelling place
  4. Good karma leads to eternal happiness and contentment

But these common postulates are often overlooked and more importance is given to rituals and sacrifices. Though these have some significance, yet their relevance is magnified beyond point.

The messengers of God thought they had created a single entity to enhance worldly unity. Increasing spiritual health and wellness was at the forefront of rituals and ceremonies. Little did they know that the future would contain many such religions, with many such rituals and ceremonies, which would divide the world rather than uniting it.

Stairway to spiritual health and wellness

Now that we have learned about the problem here is the simple solution. Irrespective of your religion, you wont be disobeying your God, if you follow this. On the contrary, if you incorporate this pattern you would be forwarding your spiritual health and wellness and serving your God beyond empty rituals and ceremonies.

The Karmic Cycles

The purpose of a humans life is to enhance the quality of his own life ,through thoughts and actions, and set examples for those around him to do the same. All religions Sikhism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism convey the message in different ways.

The end point of all is doing as much good to as many people as you can. God is not served through donations of wealth he is served by donating time and energy to help those around you in the little way you can.

Health and wellness

We all have to repay the gift of life by our Karma. You have to keep the karmic book balanced, and if you succeed you are blessed with everlasting happiness and joy in this life and beyond. I have divided karma in three cycles so as to give clarity.

  1. Micro Karmic Cycle– Doing good to the self. By being mindful of things which keep you happy and content. Selfishness often comes with a negative tag, but in this phase you have to be selfish and make yourself happy.
  2. Meso Karmic Cycle– If you do good to the self for long, you will start doing good to those around you. Only a happy mind can think and sees good for others. In this phase your contentment comes by serving your friends and family. You start getting into the selfless phase as your happiness is proportional to the good you do to those around you
  3. Macro Karmic Cycle– Once those around you are happy, you will be able to share and spread the love to each and every organism who shares your dwelling place, this beautiful earth. In this phase you approach absolute selflessness, wherein your happiness is derived from making strangers happy.

For absolute spiritual health and wellness getting to the third( Macro Karmic Cycle) phase is important as your scope of contentment becomes infinite. There are so many people who need you in so many different ways. Yet to reach it one must follow the steps involved.

Stairway to spiritual health and wellness

God created the world in all its beauty, he doesn’t need your money, he can create enough for himself. You are given the gift of life to realize that the stairway to infinite spiritual health and wellness is by helping people around you in the little way that you can.

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