Quarter of an exile

Lord Rama is remembered for the 14 year he spent in the forests. Most of his exile is depicted as a struggle. As per hearsay he seemed to have renounced the glitz and glamour of pre-vedic city life, for the trials and tribulations of the jungle. But few point out the wisdom and skills he learned during his exile, which turned him from a promising prince to a deserving king.

Though lord Rama was gifted since birth but his talents needed to be honed and channelized. Seclusion from everyday life made him look inside and that’s where he found peace. The 14 years of exile elevated him from being capable to being deserving.

A Sucker for Connections


Although the 3 and a half years at my hometown is as distant from Lord Rama’s 14 year exile into the forest but I am a sucker for connections. This compels me to look more at the similarities and not the anomalies.

I am no king and going back to my hometown is not an exile, but the calmness of a hill town and its sedated lifestyle is a big change from the Usain Boltness of modern day cities. Living in bucolic solitude, with the family, comes as close to an exile as one can in the modern world, because not many do it.

In an age of phenomenally fast processing super brains, flickering attentions spans and 30 seconds to fame, every second is a lifetime in itself, a quarter of the 14 years is a big time period too. So depriving myself from big city lights for 3 and a half years, after spending 5 years in one comes as close to an exile in the modern world, because not as many do it.


How does it matter?

As the plane descended unfolding the mesmeric hues of the big city lights,

I felt a tingle, reminiscing the big city life,

Flashes of memories with a background of glittery amber lay spread in front of my eyes,

I think to myself, How life would have meandered so differently, if back then I was this wise?

Drenched in emotional bliss, I blow the moon a gentle kiss,

The lunar romanticism is blunted as the air hostess yells “fasten your seat belt pliss”

As mum bursts into ecstatic laughter, I recollect it’s these little things that matter,

Life is not a single dish, it’s an assortment of these trivial things, a perfect platter.

Solitude seems to have made the meaningless relevant,

Things which I was blinded to, now shine out with all their magnificence.  

It’s time to rebake this beautiful urban cake with an enriched neural batter,

Equipped with a serene perception and soundness of thought,  this is going to be a harmonious rural urban clatter.

The calmness of thought is a blessing from the Gods of solitude,

Which will enable me to swallow the worlds hate and convert it into gold, empowered with an alchemist’s fortitude.

Carrying the stillness

Time spent in secluded introspection reveals truth to oneself which running around hides. Mindful meditation has polished my perspective and unfolded significant secrets which I was ignorant to. A sense of excessive gratitude has trickled into my mindset magnifying the value of every person, place or event.


The stillness and calm from the happy valley will be spread everywhere I set foot. With thiis will be spread the happiness from the hills and joy from the jungle.









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