ancient treasure

Mental Wellness-Ancient Treasure Beyond Measure

Ancient treasure is either a valuable pot of gold or an invaluable pot of knowledge. Ancient scripture has much to learn from, if applied appropriately it opens the doors to riches beyond human perception.  I came across one such ancient treasure while reading and wanted to share my riches with all of you.

Yes it might not make you instantly rich but it provides you with wealth beyond measure.

A pot of gold is insignificant in front of a pot of knowledge, the actual ancient treasure.

Weeding Your Mental Garden

While reading some scriptures I cam across certain mental traits which most of us occupying the material realm possess.

Most skip through life unaware of these mental traits, others accept them as a part of material existence and very few try to overcome them. The ancient treasure which I am going to share is about these negative traits(weed) which needed to be weeded from the garden of your thoughts.

By weeding your mental garden you not only purify your mind but also align your thought process with universal energies of goodness and positivism. By being in alignment with these cosmic energies you open the gateway of infinite possibilities, and actually become LIMITLESS.

On the contrary if you while away your life without paying heed to the quality of your thoughts you fail to maximize your full potential. You live an unfulfilled life chasing material pleasures without ever finding inner peace.

The Gateway to Hell

If mental energies go unregulated they lead to your own downfall, making your life a living hell. Mentioned in the info graph below are 5 characteristics which your mind has to guard against repetitively as they come up in your life time and again:

Matsarya (Envy, Materialistic Pleasure) is another such trait which you have to guard against.

These traits are so powerful that they take a hold of your mind and make you create a false identity for yourself. If not discovered and removed these traits cripple normal mental faculty.

Ancient Treasure Beyond Measure

I will keep sharing more ancient treasure, hoping we can understand and apply at least some of these ancient practices to make our minds look beyond instant gratification and think wholly.

The scope of learning and progress is infinite we can all make use of ancient treasures to become better people and creating a better world.

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