Inspire – Add the extra to the ordinary

In barbaric times, when war was fought with swords rather than thoughts, some men were able to uplift ordinary men and turn them into immortal warriors.

Some men had the capability to inspire and empower those around to them to go beyond their established dispositions and surpass their expectations of themselves.

Wars weren’t always won by well trained soldiers but by common men who were inspired to believe in their unlimited potential. The empowered souls inspired by the potential seen in them went beyond their normal capabilities and ended up accomplishing much more than they had thought of themselves before.

Here is an example from the movie Troy where Achilles stirs ordinary soldiers and expects them to be lions. This gives the common soldiers a potential to justify which they eventually do when a handful of them decimate hundreds of Trojan soldiers to conquer the beach at troy. The battle was won before it stated, in the inspired heads.

Inspiration in the post barbaric era 

In the modern world, where no swords are drawn and most battles are mental, where individuals seem to be at war with themselves, where people around you are waiting for an opportunity to criticize you at the slightest failure,  you are bound to live an uninspired and therefore uninspiring lifestyle.

Fear compels you to always take the safer route and the society compels you to aim for stability and not success,

The generic thought perception has stagnated and people are averse to thinking beyond the bubble that the society confines them to. As a result they have stopped believing in their own individual capabilities.

This necessitates agents who inspire,  who see the best in people and help them recognize and consequently realize their actual potential.


Inspire In modern social circles people accept each other as they are because everyone has similar limiting beliefs and confidencelessness. So most people use each other for whiling away time without adding anything to each others identities.

One needs to push people around him beyond their limiting bubble of beliefs and show them their true potential.

You only have to kindle the light in a dormant heart, soon the long lost passion takes over and sets ablaze repressed potential into a ball of fire, greatness in then achieved.

The magic in every soul 

There is some amount of magic in every soul which trespasses this realm. Time seems to have shut your dreams away. It is up to us then to help each other discover our long lost magic, instead of wasting time sharing news, seeking empty appreciation and just being a witness to life events.

The meanest person might have a soft spot, the greediest miser might have a hidden talent, the slimiest dealer might have a unique skill, it depends on noticing these things and pointing it out to give these people a chance to improve.

Everyone has the ability to inspire people around them, add a little extra to their ordinary lives,  but it all boils down to who cares enough to relinquish selfish endeavors and follow selfless ones.

Have a Good Day.


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