GURU – The Real Alchemist

GOD sent me in the world of both dark and light, it was my GURU who illuminated my soul  from darkness to the light of GOD.

When the GURU( the one who takes from darkness to light), the teacher, and  SHISHYA (disciple) align, the perfect conditions for the flow of Godly energy takes place.

Such is the majesterial aura of this symbiosis, a win win energy exchange, even the lights of a thousand Suns  is dimmed in front of it.

There is no greater, purer, more powerful bond in this cosmos, than the one formed between the guru and his disciple.

A bond formed out of enlightenment and awakening.  Initiated by something as small as the instilling of a new idea in an individual  it leads to the awakening of a  single consciousness followed by the cumulative consciousness of the Cosmos.

My mother and three Maternal aunts are all teachers, now my sister is also a teacher, I have had the privilege of being around all these wonderful energies of giving since birth, which has shaped me into a giver myself. It has also helped me understand that giving is the ultimate pleasure.

The joy of seeing a seed sprout, the one you nurtured in whatever little way you could, is the ultimate pleasure anyone can feel. Recognition of this is not required, the feeling is enough.

Teaching  Leads to More Learning


Teaching is most humbling as when you teach, you constantly get to learn how little you know and that keeps you inquisitive for more.

Teaching is not as simple as conveying what you know , in the way you know it, to others.  A guru is required to master whatever his subject is in such a way that she can communicate the information to a scientist or a Kindergartner in a way both understand.  All human minds function differently, the art of being a teacher involves recognizing these subtleties and then aligning the information to be conveyed in  a way, that it is best absorbed by your student.

This also leads to more learning, as not only the information, but all surrounding  knowledge around it has to be gathered,

While the intelligent ones know,

The Wise know how to convey what they know so that everyone understands

Personal Notes

With my practice of being a health and lifestyle coach, I have made sure to share as much knowledge with others, for this I have ensured that I have a deep understanding and continuous learning of the subject. This enable me to create newer routes to the information based upon the person in front of me.

Teaching Helps pass on lessons beyond books


A Guru puts information in such a way that the student who knows how to read between the lines gathers much more than what the book offers. May it be education, religious or spiritual practice, or any other sort of learning, having a Guru is a gateway to unlock wisdom beyond the words in the book.

Personal Notes

I am sure you all remember your first teacher from playgroup. She couldn’t do much with books, yet she sowed the seeds of curiosity and inquisitiveness in your being.  In my case, it was my mother and  later on in life every time I got a chance to visit her playgroup,  I saw her creating same sort of awe in the eyes of the tiny students.


God sent you on earth as a basic mortal, it is only through the illumination of a GURU that you become GOLD.

Imagine the power a GURU  possesses, when any one of his student is capable of changing the world, imagine the GURUS behind the most iconic world changers in the world, and how there efforts contributed to the luxuries we cherish now.

Imagine if  Steve Jobs didn’t have a kindergarten guru to introduce help him spell APPLE, how different the world would be ?

Imagine if  Mahender Singh Dhoni didn’t have a guru to teach him how to hold a bat, there  would be no helicopter shot.

I am blessed to have all my teachers from school, my masters in the field of work and all my friends who have come to teach me lessons which have led my to develop a hunger for learning more. and consequently passing on the knowledge to others around me.


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