Category Archives: 6 ways to everything

6 ways to maximize the weekend

With the most anticipated part of the week upon you, you’d be looking forward to curing yourselves,even temporarily, from what you’ve been putting yourself through the entire week.

If you follow passionate pursuits, then you’d understand that everyday is the same. You enjoy work and hence it gives you relaxation, so you wont be needing specific days for rejuvenation. You would have daily activities to refresh your thought process.

But social conditioning refrains you from treating your passions too seriously. Hence the weekly slog, wherein the weekends are specially designated for rewarding yourself for the self enforced toil.

You choose to do things that you otherwise never would, just because you are paid for it,  in order to afford an influenced lifestyle. Influenced, by society to go one up on the neighbor or fooled by marketing scams to buy things you don’t actually need. If you look around yourself, you will find at least 5 items that you can do without.

Caught in the web of self enforced slavery, it is difficult to do anything else than sleep or temporary lose sense of time and space through indulgences whenever you get free time. So the weekend signals respite, the degree of which depends upon your interest in the work you do. You can easily find an individuals love for their profession by simply checking their status messages on Monday morning and Friday evening.


The real relaxation

The idea of limiting your rejuvenation to a couple of days sabotages your chance of real relaxation. It would be better if you spend some time  everyday revitalizing your energies. But here are 6 ways by which you can maximize your weekend:

1. Sit still– Get rid of your laptop, your oversmart phones for as long as you can and just notice things that you don’t usually do. Your sub conscious will intimate you about important things that you have been avoiding. Make a list of these and strike them off one by one.

2. Don’t waste time connecting online, surprise a friend– The significance of driving by certain streets and houses is increased when we reminisce the funs we have had on them while growing up. Same is the case when you pass by an old friends house, too busy to and too shy to drop in and say hello. Then you post messages about how time changes everything. This weekend go surprise a friend. Don’t plan, don’t stop yourself thinking the other guy would be busy, just go.

3. Do this– You have been avoiding your health. The expensive gym membership is being wasted. You don’t find the time throughout your busy week. If you have 15 minutes to try this workout and if you think you can do it regularly for just 2 weeks. I can assure you that you will keep doing it till 2 months.At the end of which you will find yourself in the best shape of your life.

If this is too hectic, spend some more time researching on home exercises. Or just ask me, I will be happy to help if I am not exercising.

4. Read– Yes we stopped reading after college. But learning being a perpetual process, it is essential that we invest some of our time reading. Its not practical to read thick books with the limited time people have, but there are blogs aplenty. These are highly subjective and succinct. My favorite are Zen habits, Brain pickings and you can try reddit as well.

5. Don’t plan a trip, make it– THe more time you waste planning the less time you have for action. Although long journeys might necessitate action plans but don’t let planning get in the way of taking action. Take a short trip around town, you will surprise yourself by the beauty you will discover.

6. Cook your own master piece– The idea of indulging is at its peak on the weekend. You might think it is a just reward for the strenuous slog during the week. But although it might satisfy your taste buds, food outside is mostly not that healthy. Even when it is, its not worth what you pay for it. But you can waste your hard earned money if you want. Or you can create a delicious masterpiece at home. Constructively using technology will get you recipes and a little effort will help you procure the ingredients. The feeling of creating something new, even insignificantly small, is unparalleled. Cooking gives you the chance to make your own masterpiece. It is healthier and not as expensive.

The perpetual weekend

If you are lucky to live the perpetual weekend, either you were born lucky, or you love what you do or you don’t do anything at all. For the others maximizing the weekend is very important. You can either make room for everything essential in this limited time or let it slide for a better time which will never come. The above mentioned tips will be cumbersome if you are lazy and helpful if you are willing to make a change for the good.

The importance of constructive use of technology cannot be over emphasized. Rather than only being a medium to share emotions,at times ones that don’t exist, technology can be used to learn and inspire. Use your weekends to churn the most out of technology but only after you are done with the more humane part of life.

Have a good weekend.

6 ways to cope with a bad day


Bad day

There would be no dull, if there was no bright, there would be no wrong if there was no right. There would be no happy if there was no sad, and how can you expect good if there is no bad. The principles governing our cosmos make it impossible for us to avoid the dull, wrong, sad and bad part of it. As much as you might try to avoid these, they somehow creep into your lives, and when they do, you don’t know how to handle them.

No matter how strong you build your walls, nature has its ways of getting through. We cant avoid it, can only adapt.

You are so busy trying to avoid discomforts that you forget that you can actually learn how to live with them. So when you think you are completely secure, the perfect storm awaits to get you out of your comforts.Discomforts are unavoidable(they will find a way into your well guarded lives), rather than planning on how to avoid them, you are better off learning how to live through them with minimal damage.

All you have to do is to keep your head above the water


It is impossible to live a life without a single bad day. If you don’t know how to swim you will fall into the water one day or the other. I know you all strive for that perfect problemless life, but you should be well aware now that perfection is beyond the realms of possibility. You can have a period of magical days, weeks, months, but then creeps in that one dark day. The day that you so wish to avoid. The day which not only spoils the present but is also capable of denting the future. Although you might feel bullet proof, but when misery hits you, it would be more like a bombardment than a bullet.

Here are a few ways which might help you keep your head above the water and come unscathed from this type of a day:

1. Don’t run for the Woods, be a Tiger– When calamity strikes, the easiest option is to run. But no matter how fast and furious you are at running, calamity will overtake you soon. Its effect will be magnified because of the time you wasted running. Don’t try to ignore the bad day, accept it and face the pain the same way you enjoy the pleasures.

2. Curb the emotional splurge urge– Venting out your emotions not only adds to your miseries but conducts the negativity to others. This adds to the overall gloom. Try not to sensationalize your misery, it will only get you sympathy and an excuse to stay miserable.

3. The magic of altering your perspective- Stuck in a single plain of thought prevents your from seeing through the temporary obstacle in front of you. If you are willing to be a little flexible, you will be able to realign your perspective, and the problem would no longer remain the problem. We see bad because we prevent ourselves, even temporarily, from seeing the good. On a bad day, this gains special importance. When the cosmos seems to conspire against you, it is magical to see the world without keeping yourself at the center of it.

4. Ice bucket challenge– When you seem to be having a bad day, a sudden shock becomes the need of the hour. This will both divert attention from your issues and lead you to see the world in a better way. Sudden shocks include consciously doing anything outside your comfort zone, these can range from an ice bucket challenge to anything adventurous.

5. If you surround yourself with pokeyoupines, you will be poked sooner than later– You have to chose who you share your circle of influence with. These people are the ones who are the first to know about your day, without you telling. Their response to your situation adds to your misery or clears it altogether. We are better off surrounding ourselves with a few clowns who turn your frowns upside down than many friends who just notice and at max empathize.

6. It may be possible to beat down the body, but its impossible to beat down a free spirit– Yes we all have bad days, but how we respond to these define our lives. Its not worth surrendering years of hard work to one bad day.We can either choose to succumb to the worldly randomness working against us, or we can take our blows gracefully and wait for a better day. If you are ready to wait for your turn, it is a fact that good days outnumber the bad ones heavily. It is for you to decide if you want to let go of all the good days just because of that one bad one.

Sometimes all you need to do is cling on

bad day

Don’t bash yourself too much over the sudden turn of fate, just clinging on till the storm ends.

Even superman has days when his suit doesn’t come out from laundry. He doesn’t wait for it to dry, he improvises. Rather than losing yourself to the negativity of a bad day, you can improvise.  Fooling your own mind to look beyond the obvious problems.

It is inevitable to avoid bad days. I found that out when months of hard work at the gym was flushed out due to one bad Ayurvedic supplement. My folly was that I wanted to replace the chemical with the natural. Not everything goes according to plan, but we either waste time whining or survive to fight another day. I hope you choose the latter because I did. Hope you have a good day, and even if you aren’t, its ok, adapt to the bad one.



Pouncing Back – 6 ways to enjoy failing


Yes we have all failed at some points or other. I was just failing an hour ago, trying to choose a topic to write on. Failure is inevitable and if you’re not failing enough then you aren’t progressing.

But failure means temporarily surrendering to the intangible powers that govern our cosmos. Surrender is not easily accepted by the human psyche. It dents your ego. As a result your attempts are minimal. The first failure and the activity or task is struck of your list. At the max, you would do it thrice but then your ego will get in between.

If we allow ourselves to accept failure, not defeat, and retry with a renewed vigor, we stand a better probability of succeeding than the last attempt. Here are six ways in which you can satisfy your ego when you fail. This will help you persevere for longer, and enhance your digestion for failures.

1. Be grateful that you have the opportunity to try– When we fail, there are a very few things which escape our mass cursing. We overlook the fact that we are in good mental and physical health to be able to pursue the task we fail at. We fail to see the other worse consequences of our failure. We fail to respect the opportunity to have at least tried, and that, other than some mental resistance, we are blessed with an opportunity to retry.

The best way of finding gratitude in any situation is to go for a walk in your neighborhood. Once you see that you are better off than many others, people born with disabilities, the ones born in poverty, the ones working harder than you ever have, you will automatically feel fortunate and your disappointment would appear negligible.

2. Dream + Effort = Success + Lessons – We have dreams, we put in effort and we aim at achieving success but overlook the lessons we learn with each attempt. Dreaming and putting in some effort guarantees some success and lessons (these lessons are more in case of a failure). The fact that you are trying makes you more successful than all the people who are busy eating popcorns and watching TV. Both success and failure teach you lessons, you either learn to live like a champion(being humble, keep improving, help someone else) or you learn how to redirect your energy to become one.

3. Helping others learn– Some don’t try in fear of making mistakes, others repeat the same mistakes without learning from them, some do learn from their mistakes, but the smartest ones learn from other peoples mistakes. So when you fail, you not only learn about your own mistakes, you teach all the smart observes what not to do. Hence serving an altruistic cause.

4. Success becomes sweeter– The harder you have to struggle, the sweeter success will taste. Many a celebrity, artist, sportsperson were successful because of  genetic gifts. They dint try too hard but succeeded. As a result they dint value their success which led to a swift downfall, leading to addictions, depression and death. If you fail many times before achieving success, you not only value it more but know what it is worth. Sustaining the success becomes easier.

5. Not just bouncing back, pouncing back– Every time you fail, you learn something new. Repetitive, but yes it is so true. It is not only related to the current task that you do, but the lessons you learn increase your determination for everything you pursue.

If you get over failure just this one time, you will handle fear better in your next endeavor. The lesson is not limited to the current quest, but it will stay with you forever, make you resilient, aiding you in everything that you attempt to achieve.

Failure should not make you quit, it should make you attack with a renewed vigor.

6. Stories to tell– If it was very simply to succeed then we would have boring lives. Our failures make our lives interesting and at times comical. Here is an example.

So I wanted to do a handstand some days back, and…I did it.

How drab and boring is that . Compare that with.

I wanted to do the handstand some days back. I was so pathetic initially that I couldn’t get myself off the ground. I tried and tried and the day that I finally got my feet in the air, I fell so hard that I developed an extra knee on my bumm. Everyone laughed like they were Frank Medrano, and even Frank knows how it is to fail. The next time I dint realize I was next to the treadmill. I held on for 2 seconds but then tumbled over on the treadmill which had someone running on it. I tripped the poor guy and both of us were lying in a heap at the edge of the treadmill. I was banned from practicing near the treadmills. I dint give up. I researched and practiced and finally….


my treadmill ban was lifted.

Try,Try until you fail and then try again

Cowards never try, weak never finish, the rest are successful.

When you show strength in your own purpose by never accepting failure, you not only improve your own lives but also help in inspiring others, who are struggling to succeed. Try to enjoy failing, the destination is only as good as the path that leads to it. I prefer a path laced with failures than an empty road, you not only learn more lessons but also get more stories to tell.

When you fail, don’t complain, just gather your wits and try again,

and when you feel you cant handle the strain, just pop the smile pill to curb your pain.



You only really fail when you stop trying. Have a good day.


6 ways to Initiate and Sustain change

My eclectic cognizance urges me to learn from nature, lessons too vivid for words to express and books to withhold. As I attempt to verbalize a few of these lessons in my pursuit of inspiring some of you to break the shackles holding you from starting off with a new adventure or initiating positive change, I recommend you to spend some time in unlearning what the books teach you, so that you can know what is relevant.


Living in a valley, I have learnt how not to be afraid of the hugeness of mountains. Yes, many an aspiring hiker let go of their passion because the mountains seem to be too high. Some give up at the onset while others at the first signs of fatigue. These mountains represent  the change you are wanting to make in your life. You can either look at the extent of effort the entire task commands and put it off for a later time, which will never come, or start a journey in earnestness and adapt to the changes that follow to make your way to the peak.

Initiating change requires going against a normal pattern of thought, sustaining it requires you to shed your old beliefs for new ones. The difficulty lies in the reversibility of the process. If you manage to get over the hurdles of initiating change then sustaining it becomes a bigger challenge.

This generally forces you to choose stability over risk, normality over adventure, comforts over the unknown, stagnancy over changes. But at times, the mundaneness of normality will urge you to take flight into the realm of the unknown. Where all theoretical knowledge becomes irrelevant. You will understand that practicality outshines bookish wisdom and spontaneity overtakes logic when you enter uncharted territories of the unknown. Here are 6 steps which will not only help you initiate and sustain change:

1. Be comfortable with discomfort– You are too charmed with comforts, any variability from the obvious scares you. Hence making changes takes such a big effort. Social insecurities, fears, embarrassment, are all self imposed resistances. Once you manage to live in discomfort, adapting to the randomness of change and hence changing becomes easy.

2. Kick resistance where it hurts and then kick it again– Resistance comes in forms beyond our imaginations, It either doesn’t allow you to initiate change or forces you to quit too soon. Resistance has to be stomped repetitively, it has the uncanny knack of regenerating. You have to keep a strict vigil and not allow anything to come in between you and your pursuit of change.

3. The only thing the world does is opine, you chose who to listen to– Another form of resistance is lending to the views of the audience. Just because people cant fight their own demons they discourage you when you fight yours. Only keep an ear for compliments and constructive criticism. The rest can swallow a half boiled ostrich egg.

4. Choose spontaneity over excessive planning– If you over think you miss the bus. Initiating a change means stepping into the unknown. You cant make plans for randomness of the unknown, you have to adapt along the way. Practicing spontaneity consciously is a difficult task as you are conditioned to scrutinize every situation. But if you start living for the moment and trusting your instincts you would go a long way in initiating and sustaining changes. Good instincts empower you with the courage to face new situations that making a change will bring your way,

.5. Either win or learn a lesson, don’t give up– At times you face failure, no matter what you do. Don’t be taken aback by this failure. Don’t lose your confidence, learn your lesson and try again. Failure is inevitable, it is impossible to live a life where you don’t face failure at all, but failure doesn’t matter, your response to it does. While trying to initiate and sustain a change you will face many setbacks. But if you start taking these setbacks to heart, you will not try again. Thus, you will take away any chance that you might have of succeeding. If you don’t give up you will never lose. Every new attempt will be better than the previous one until the desired outcome is achieved.

6. Make it public– The fewer the number of people who know about a promise the easier it is to break. When you are trying to change a part of your life, it will be great if you make a public statement, Declaring what you are aiming at and setting yourself a timeline. This would help you initiate and sustain the change through the tough patches, where you would be most likely to give up, just because you want to live up to your declaration.


Take flight. If you keep planning, you never will

You only wish to relinquish your comfort zones if the rewards for the change are certain.Otherwise you prefer being stuck in your daily routine. But you should understand that if your routine was any good you would have achieved greatness by now, or at least wouldn’t have been complaining. Change is inevitable, instead of being the victims of change you should be the ones making it.

The most unavoidable distractions surface the exact moment when you initiate change. The first excuse is your ticket back to your comforts.

It is your responsibility to sustain the change once you have initiated it. If you only plant seeds and expect that you will have fruits in no time, then you are kidding yourself and wasting seeds. These seeds require patience, nurturing and protection. Just like your attempts of making any positive changes to your life. If you are willing to have patience, adapting to all obstacles and nurturing your aspirations with dedication and hard work then your changes you pursue bear fruits as well.

6 steps to reach the zenith of productivity

Productivity is a relative term. For some getting though their day without getting abused by their boss is productive for others it is about maximizing the potential of each breathable moment and sacredly pursuing all endeavors. Yes the task is herculean, yes we have the biggest enemy between our own ears, telling us to do something more comfortable all the time, but the ones who mute this voice are the ones capable of achieving the zenith of productivity.

Here are 6 simple to read but difficult to apply steps which can help you galvanize ourselves into more efficacious forms and pursue your ambitions with an iron will and a monk like dedication,

1. Gain Self credibility, it fuels self confidence– Self credibility is a vital ingredient in molding you into the best form of yourself. It enhances self confidence which forms the core of your personality. If you have a strong core you don’t need much more. Only you can improve your self credibility (no number of Facebook likès or retweets will do it for you)Here is how to proceed. Don’t fail yourself, fulfill all promises you make to yourself, big or small. There might be infinite extrinsic and intrinsic factors preventing you from undertaking a new activity, following your routine or just getting out of bed. But if you fail yourself once you get into the habit of failing yourself again and again. This becomes a chronic disease impairing self credibility. But you can always start afresh, and promise yourself to fulfill all your promises from today.

2. Devote yourself unconditionally– You will have to eradicate the urges wanting you to divert your attention to a more comfortable task. Then and only then would you be able to devote yourself unconditionally. Devotions to an objective implies unrestricted attention to the task at hand with no scope for distraction. Even if satan himself comes in front of you and nominates you for ice bucket challenge, you cant let your mind wander. If you make a habit of treating trivial tasks sacredly, then this acquired trait of yours will assist you in bigger battles automatically.

3. Learn like life is an endless lecture– Even if you become the master of an art there is always scope for improvement. Successful completions should not be the solitary function of pursuing any goal. The path is as important as the destination. The lessons learned through the struggle not only help you optimize your approach but more importantly nurture you for future endeavors.

4. Share what you learn like you have too much on your plate– The brilliance our race doesn’t lie in co-existence, but its beauty is reflected in how it can evolve together. There is something you can learn from everyone, by sharing what you know, you are opening the door to what the other person can share with you. You have to be the bigger person and be selfless enough to not expect anything in return. But this is a risk worth taking because you can end up learning the one thing mixing from your jigsaw of success.

5. Don’t run from problems, you aren’t Usain Bolt and even he had a problematic year– Invite your problems over for tea instead of running from them. An when they are busy feasting on the delicious cookies of your fear, you split them in two like a ninja. Many a times you delay solving a minor problem till it swells into a storm and then you are incapable of handling this storm. It is vital to act early and stop the storm from brewing. Problems are common its how fast you discover, assess and  terminate that saves your time and energy.

6. Don’t look at the fruits before you start the climb– Every activity has some mesmeric magic attached to it, you shouldn’t undertake it for what you would get out of it, you should just do it for the magic. If you workout only for results, you will need some satisfying. But if you enjoy working out, you will sooner or later achieve everything what you want out from your body. Your enthusiasm shouldn’t only be limited to that elusive moment of achievement, otherwise you wont enjoy the little moment that lead you there. Take the activity as a reward and see your productivity sore.

7. Reload– The chaotic nature of existence wont always allow things to go as per plans. Hence when things don’t work out, don’t develop a relationship with gravity, being down for too long will only waste time. Time which could be more productively utilized. Keeping this in mind, the faster you reload from you emptiness

These, at first, would be like following any new activity out of your comfort zone. The sooner you learn to adapt to discomforts, the more productive you will be. Once you overcome the difficulty of initiation, you will be able to reap the benefits of approaching any task, work projects, fitness regime, health plan, educations, optimally.

Being mindful of these tips would not only help you be more productive but also augment your resolve and turbo charge your conviction. Have a Good Day.