Category Archives: 6 ways to everything

6 ways to make the most of bad days

bad day

The immenseness of your success doesn’t depend on what you do on a normal day but on what you do when the chips are down. How you react to that one foul day, when nothing seems to be going your way, defines how successful you eventually become. This day usually signifies the beginning of a slump but you have the power to transform it into the day when you expanded your will power to overcome obstacles and set forth on the relentless pursuit of your vision with renewed vigor.

Your progress as an individual depends on how you respond to pressure and how much stress you cope with. Thus the days when nothing works out act as tests of your grit and character. If you succumb once you give yourself a free pass to succumb every time, on the other hand if you bare with them without being too disheartened, you make it a habit of overcoming unavoidable circumstances without making much fuss. This transforms your mentality from the usual to a successful one. Once the mentality is in place, success is just a matter of time.

Here are 6 ways on how you can make the most of these bad days:

1. Understanding chaos, don’t push against the cosmos– Randomness is the only constant. There are so many sub plots to each of your plans for life, that you cant ever have total control over it. The laws governing your cosmos are far more random than any plans you might have. As a result you will come across variables, situations and people, you haven’t accounted for while making your strategies.

Once something unforeseen comes to being, you will always try to fight it, when you come across an immovable object, you always try to push it, knowing that you fight a superior force, knowing that the object wont move, you waste precious time. Recognize that the energies of your cosmos are grander than yours. Don’t waste time in fighting the bad day, it is part of an experience which will make you grittier. Only after absolute chaos do you actually find clarity.

2. Minor progress is progress too– Your efficiency might take a dip on the bad day, but this is no excuse for quitting. Even minor progress counts as progress. Working, even in an inefficient way, will move you forward. Wasting your time thinking about all the miseries surrounding you wont. At the end of the day the people who don’t lie in wait for the storm to end, are the ones who cross the ocean the fastest.

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3. Limiting damage, live to fight another day- You get so consumed in fighting off the ills on that one day, that you damage yourself permanently. The problem pile up might make you believe that you have reached the day of the apocalypse, but if you just manage to survive with minimal damage to your motivation, you will wake up to a better and brighter dawn the next day.

Don’t get too caught up in temporary troubles as these can ruin the bigger dream that you have. Try to limit the damage by acting calm and composed when you face the universal fury, so that your bigger plans are on track.

4. It wont kill you, it will make you stronger– If you go through a troublesome day and manage to survive, you get the gift of adaptability. You are in a better situation of facing similar days in the future with minimum fuss. Your irritability index increases, you are less consumed by the universal meltdown and go about doing your job in a routine way. So bad days actually make you stronger.

5. Merely acting initiates magic– Yesterday I was having a severe head ache, lack of breathe because of a minor congestion, partial motivationlessness because of a lack of sleep. These conditions aren’t congenial for going to the fitness center. Yet somehow I managed to find my way to it. Where I started at a turtles pace, till the power of action caught up with me and I managed to complete my workout, with the usual zest and enthusiasm.

What I realized was, as I started acting my mind went off the negativity of the problems I had and gradually started focusing on the task at hand. Although it took me half an hour to get into peak efficiency, yet it wouldn’t have been possible had I not acted at all.

6. The process of becoming– In your process of becoming who you want to be, bad days act as your assessment tests. How you behave on these bad days defines how close to being successful you really are. A successful person is stronger, grittier, immune to circumstantial variance, composed and adaptable. The day you turn you start treating your bad day like any other ordinary day you will not qualify the assessment test to success. Hence utilize these bad days to access how far you have come towards realizing your dreams and what changes you need to make in yourself to get even closer.

Your response determines your progress

When you don’t care about empowering your own conscious, expanding the horizons of your thought and educating yourself with new skills, life will most certainly send you some curbs you wont be able to anticipate. How you respond to these curbs determines how far you go on your road to success.

Make a conscious effort of empowering , expanding and educating yourselves so that you can make the most of the bad days until the bad days become no different than the normal ones.

Have a Good Day.





Have a good day.


6 ways to go beyond the surface

Everyone craves superficial significance, consequently they align all their philosophies towards cosmetic enhancement. A philosophy not only limited to beauty, but encompassing all aspects of life. The most extravagant cars, the grooviest mobile,all the expensive things around you which you don’t actually have any use for. All these contribute to the polish you put over the hollowness of character. But what hides beyond the surface of these empty desires are beasts looking to pull you down into a land of vices and contempt.


The uncontrollable urge to be noticed and admired seldom makes you shine out of the crowd, on the contrary it makes you more common than you actually are. As you chase elusive empty pleasures,  you unconsciously condition your priceless instincts, your real spark,  to ape common trends, thereby becoming usual and ordinary.

When you chase external polish to mask the shortcomings of your inner self, you forget the difference between right and wrong in your blinded pursuit of the so called big life.But when inflated expectations turn to reality, these ostensible pleasures doesn’t live up to what was so eagerly anticipated.

Sooner or later, it dawns on you that the cycle of chasing commodities never ends. You always find someone with something better than you. Yet if you go beyond the surface and look within, you will manage to unravel the most precious and exclusive treasures, your actual calling. Fulfilling which you will taste a happiness so sweet that all the worlds wealth would feel bland in front of it.

Yet some of you fancy living with a mask on your face, admiring and focusing on short lived material pleasures,running in a never ending rat race. This not only diminishes your perceptions but also detracts you from your actual calling. The amount of time and energy you waste in admiring and acquiring superficial satisfaction can be utilized in finding and sharing inner peace.

Although you deserve all the wealth in the world, but merely acquiring objects to cover up the emptiness inside is like polishing a shoe without a soul. Did I spell it wrong or did you understand it right?

Here are some ways to take your attention off the surface and into issues which are more relevant :

1. Don’t waste your talents on cheap exhibitionism– Ours is a very talented race, talent oozes out from every neighborhood alley, from plains, mountains and valleys. Yet how you use this talent is more important than the talent by itself. If you only look at exhibiting this talent attempting to gain the attention of the world then you haven’t fully understood why you were blessed with the talent in the first place.

If you go beyond the surface you will understand that with every talent comes a responsibility. Which is to alter the world is positive way utilizing this talent of yours.

2. All that glitters is not gold– The superficial starry lives which are projected through media misleads most of you. You start believing that this sort of a life is gratifying and divert all your energies trying to ape your favorite movie star. But if you go beyond the surface you would understand it is not reality but a positive depiction of reality which is projected by production houses and celebrities. You would understand that these people have to put a dummy image of superfluousness so as to attract attention which in turn gets them money. it is their job to appear rich and prosperous, not everyone else’s.


3. Good nutrition scores over cosmetic beauticians– Here good nutrition signifies the fodder with which you feed your body, mind and soul. You can apply as much make up as you want but to really feel healthy  you have to alter your appetite. Similarly you can mask your inner hollowness with as many expensive toys, but to actually be great you have to nourish your thoughts by educating your mind.

If you want to go beyond the surface indulge in practicing mindfulness, this will give you the humbleness to handle your wealth and the courage to handle your poverty.

4. Life is more about what you can give than take– On the surface of it everyone wants to load themselves, their families and friends with treasures beyond what they can digest. In actuality life is more about what you can contribute than what you can take. It is very easy taking the selfish route to life, even animals do it. But you as a human being cant justify your credentials of being the smartest race to inhabit the planet until you display selflessness.

If you go beyond the surface life will be more about the hearts you touch than the attention you get.

5. Earn people, riches will follow– Your greed might not allow you to waste time on people, but ask someone successful and she will tell you, it is easier to earn money and harder to earn the love of people. It is stupid to sit on a pile of gold with no one else to talk to, you are better off sharing your last piece of bread with a stranger. At the very least you will make yourself a good friend, who would be there when you need him, to do things money cant do.

If you look beyond the surface you will acknowledge the importance of people over money. You will understand that spending a few cherished moments with loved ones cant be replaced with the wealth of the world.

6.  Money makes war. people make peace- All problems have a deep routed source, it revolves around money and money generating resources. The never ending war for money is only sedated by the fact that few people still have mental capabilities of looking beyond the surface. Beyond the surface lies the urge to live in harmony and oneness, to spread love, to empower the weak and share your gifts.

If you go beyond the surface you open your eyes to the real world which isn’t clouded by the struggle for power and money. It is constituted by the value that binds us to co exist in-spite of all our differences.

The richest man is one who is eternally fulfilled.Such individuals don’t alter their behavior come hail come sunshine. They remain the same while riding a bicycle or a BMW, same while eating cold soup or caviar, same while sleeping on the ground or in the most expensive hotels.  What separates true pedigree from the neo rich is the degree to which they can avoid flaunting their wealth. This not only liberates them from the rat race but also gives them ample time and energy to make this world a better place.


Have a good day.




6 ways to explore and harness the magic inside


On your quest to rule the world , you often feel discouraged, demotivated and dispirited. Life has an uncanny way of whipping you into submission. You might start your journey in the pinkest of mental and physical health,but in due course you are fooled by life’s randomness, bemused by its unpredictability and jolted by the chaos. There comes a time where you want to give up, where everything seems to work against you and all your energy seems drained. This is when you start questioning your own intentions, doubting your talents, losing confidence and consider giving up.In such a situation, you most often chose the easy path and give up to the resistance. Letting go of your dreams once and for all.

The same resisting force seems to be at work in your daily lives. This force hoodwinks you by making you procrastinate for endless hours, giving you excuses, and by making you focus too much on the problem to actually find the solution. Your inability to act when required delays the inevitable, till the little problem swells up into something out of control. Only when you manage to fight off the procrastinating lazy mind by discovering the abundance of energy hidden inside you , can you beat this resistance.

But only few manage to find that extra inch of inspiration, degree of desire, gram of grit, micron of motivation which propels them through life’s misery and pushes them to the land of champions. This elusive magic helps you go through life’s tribulations, assists you in taking the big plunge towards success, lends you with the grit and tenacity to fulfill your desires, and provides you with a winners mentality. Still only a few make the effort of actually tapping into this super energy. You are so consumed without that you fail to see the powers within. Here are six ways of exploring and harnessing the abundance of energy inside each one of you:

1. Excusenvelope– The biggest stumbling block in discovering the magic inside is your ability to come up with excuses for almost anything which takes you out of your comfort zone. Your mind reasons you out of hard work by giving excuses which are both logical and justifiable. This, almost spontaneous, instinct of coming up with excuses for any task requiring an additional effort prevents you from noticing any other ways of coping with the problem. This ailment has been conditioned into your persona from before you can remember. You have to consciously make the effort of coming out of the envelope of excuses before making your mind to look for a solution.

Excuses are like gatekeepers at the doors to the within, preventing you from entering until you fight them off to discover the magic inside.

2. Complainuisance– With every complain, you give rise to a nuisance which empowers the problem and also obstructs clarity of thought by taking your focus from finding the solution to the problem. Complaining not only magnifies your problems but empowers the people who you complain to with the ability to serve as constant reminders of your shortcomings. . You might manage to overcome your own demons in time, but these human nuisances will never let you become free from them.

Till the time you are not completely free from the outside you will never be able to tap the energy on the inside.


3. Control the fodder to your brain– If you don’t control your mind, someone or something else surely will. The reigns of your mind should be in your own hands. You should be in control of what to feed it so that your mind spends time on the necessary and not the ridiculous. The digital explosion has made it almost impossible to filter content which is thrown on your face everyday. The internet and television influence your brain to be in a perpetual relaxed state so that it can be imprinted by subliminal advertisements. If you are not aware of your thoughts you will never manage to transcend to the super state within.

Feed your brain with well monitored fodder, as the quality of your thoughts defines how deep you can dig in your search for the goldmine of magic which lies within.

4. Friends, rodents, inspirations–  The quality of your life is defined by the 6 people you spend most time with. Choosing who you interact with is very essential. Always be around people who would talk more about solutions than problems, achievements than disasters, growth than failure. You are wasting your lives if you are around people who only indulge in gossip, don’t add anything positive to a discussion, are more worried than happy, are more demoralizing than empowering, spend more time in killing boredom than chasing dreams.

As it is inevitable to live in solitude and you are most definitely persuaded by your surroundings, the people you interact with determine the quality of your thoughts and the vibe you project. Thus it is beneficial to surround yourselves with inspirations who motivate you  than rodents who feed off you.  At most times your environment stimulates you to unravel the magic within.

5. Fearlessness, puncture the eye of the storm– Half of your battles are lost because you dint fight them. Fear prevents you from undertaking any physiological action and also blinds you from discovering the Magic which lies inside you. Fear grips your mind and soul and alters yours actions and perceptions. You live with the fear of death all your life and ultimately die. When death is certain then why spend your time fearing it. It will come when it has to but you should indulge in living rather than fearing till it does.

A commander once said, the opposition loses half of its soldiers to fear, we only have to take care of the rest. Fear paralyses you in the moment of truth, it makes basic tasks appear herculean. If you give in to fear you will neither discover nor believe in the magic inside of you. Fearlessness opens your inner eyes to the inner magic, it lends you with the self belief to fight all life battles to the best of your best ability, with a garnish of determination and passion.

6. Keep your senses open– Social and parental pressures seem to incapacitate your senses. You are conditioned to think within the purview of what your parents and society allow. Parents generally want stability, a quest for stability in a chaotic world is a difficult proposition. What parental expectation actually does is lower your aspirations, thereby limiting your scope of purpose. The consequence of this is that you never seem to open your senses to their full potential. If you manage to overcome these unavoidable obstacles you will most certainly find the magic within by activating all your senses the their maximum.

You just have to find the dormant inner child inside you and bring it back to life. You were much wiser before society fooled you into believing its lies.


By making “avoiding conflicts” the basis of your lives you attract more of them. by understanding the significance of expanding your paradigm and being in alignment with the universe, you allow yourself to explore the magic inside, which are waiting to be discovered so as to make you achieve what you are really worth.


Have a Good Day





ere your magic really lies is deep down inside.

Stand guard at the door of your mind.



Be strong, You never know who you are inspiring.

6 ways to radiate positive energy

Sorrow begets sorrow and joy is the antidote to your daily struggles. When you emit joy, you not only heal your own selves, but also cure others by providing an unexpected pat on their back which they absolutely deserve. When you radiate positive energy you become the reason for someone else’s joy, who in turn conduct this happy feeling forward. This leads to a mass increase of positive thinking leading to peace, prosperity and progression of individuals and the society.

You can say that happiness then is the outcome of altering perception. If you manage to alter your own, you find out how to alter someone else’s. Some people might be too busy looking to actually find this happiness. Others might keep this elation to themselves, but the few who actually understand the significance of sharing this positive energy, spread it as much as possible. They know that the happiness which they share now will sooner or later come back to them from one source or the other. They might be too happy to accept more of it now, but they will most definitely need in the due course of their unpredictable lives.

This makes radiating positive energy a prominent aspect of mindful living. The more we spread the more it comes back. As once you get caught in the endless web of grief, you not only start an infinite loop of sorrow for yourself and repel all the joy that is waiting for you, but also spoil the situation for everyone around you. Here are some ways of radiating this joie de vivre:

1. Find your gratitude, uplift your vibe– It is essential to open your eyes to the miracles around you. You get so many things you don’t deserve yet you are too caught up being sad for the other things you don’t get. The first step towards making yourself the epicenter of elation is to be grateful for the gift of life. Once you find grace, you will transcend yourself to a superior form of being, one where you would illuminate the lives of others while uplifting your own vibe.

positive energy

2. Chase your dreams– It gets hard for you to be truly content if you are not chasing your dreams. Your lack of purpose commands you to help others in pursuits you are not interested in. This, over a period of time, leads to a conflict, wherein you become disgruntled at living someone else’s life. If you are yourself full of resentment it gets hard to even appear positive. Whereas when you are chasing your dreams, you take everything that comes your way with a pinch of salt, knowing the bigger purpose of accomplishing your dreams is more important than petty failure. This acts as an inspiration for others, and makes you the shining star they crave to follow,

3. See the best in others and the situation– It is convenient to be cynical, dare to be an optimist. When you filter out the negative aspect of your vision, you see the hope in despair, the spec of light in darkness, the opportunity in misery and the lotus in the filth. When you start noticing and admiring the subtleties in others, you not only put a smile to people’s faces but simultaneously condition yourself to always notice the good in any situation. This empowers you to be positive through any storm that you might encounter, helping yourself and others to withstand all the helplessness time throws your way.

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4.Be hopeful– Being hopeful implies believing that with every passing moment and every situation,good or bad, the sum total of your life experience improves. You either become successful, learn lessons, have gratifying experience or learn to endure sorrow. A truly hopeful person will be able to unravel the mesmeric quality of every little experience life brings your way. Such people are a natural source of optimism for the ones around them, who become helpless and disillusioned when things go slightly against them.

5. Absorb the pessimism– The ones who radiate positive energy aren’t exempted from negative experiences. They simply learn to react positively to every obstacle which comes their way. They are not immune to the web of pessimism, On the contrary they have had an overdose of it at an early age. This makes them adapt to negative changes better. You should learn to live with the pessimism as it is impossible to avoid it. You might be criticized for being too positive by the ones still en route to a better perception of reality, the mere number of these helplessly negative people will make you question your positive mindset, but if you persevere, you will serve yourself and the people around you well.

6. Share the love– First they ignore you, they they poke fun at you, then they fight you and ultimately they start following you. Not many understand the significance of being and sharing positive energy. Such is the current shape of the world that someone willing to help you conditionally is seen with skepticism and resented. But your strength of purpose, making the world a better place, should help you get over these minor obstacles. If you refrain from sharing your bliss, it will go to waste.

positive energy


Only the ones with the strength of character to bare being misunderstood, used and abused can indulge in radiating positive energy perpetually. As the rewards for being benevolent are more subliminal than material.  The world, not being used to selflessness might not understand your intentions, would try to use you or abuse for putting up a pretense of happiness, But the immeasurable joy of sharing your existential euphoria with someone else is beyond material gains and worldly treasures. The gifts of sharing this bliss is a very intimate one. It can only be savored by the ones who make it their life purpose to unconditionally add to someone else’s life. Sacrificing selfish pleasures for progression of the human race.

Have a Good day!!!


6 ways of losing weight mentally

weight loss

Losing weight has become the “going to the mall” , “eating a pizza” , “guzzling the cola” of the 21st century, everybody wants to do it. It took a lot of hard work for our race to get to this point, making losing fat a worldwide trend. Almost everybody is looking for shortcuts to shed off those extra kilos once they have eaten their way to bellyland. And almost everyone is looking for the quickest and least discomforting way of getting back the body they had before a mix of tempting food and laziness obstructed their mirrors.

Just some regular moderation would have helped you avoid your current state of depressive desperation.By ignoring the necessary for a long enough period of time, you not only make yourself susceptible to long term damage, but also indulge in short term remedies, which are all the more dangerous. A balanced lifestyle and preventive healthcare methodologies would have saved you from all the personal trainers, weight control diets, fat loss supplementation and other fitness activities requiring you to sacrifice your daily routines.

The short cut myth

weight loss

But now you are desperately looking for that secret mantra or enchanted elixir which will make you lose weight faster. A way to lose weight with minimal possible effort in the shortest of time frame. Remember, that it took you years and years of unhealthy practices to reach your present state of being, hence it is not possible to get back to being healthy in a very short period of time. Although you might be able to lose a few pounds following strict diets and bone jarring workout routines, you wont be able to sustain the effort for too long, failing which, you will plunge deeper into ill health.

Recounting past mistakes might overload you with misery but hindsight educates you on your mistakes.It is important to understand that good health is not a matter of a few months of rigorous training or a week long diet, it is a discipline, which should be practiced daily in all aspects of life. If you are too lazy to do basic exercises and too carefree to refrain from excessive indulgences, then you open the door to fat, ill health and chronic diseases. With this being said, the easiest way to lose weight is by not letting yourself gain it in the first place. Try to balance your diet and do some sort of a workout daily, without expecting any gifts for it.

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The mental weight loss

Now for the ones who find themselves helplessly fat and in need of sudden transformation, it is to be understood that fat loss actually begins with the brain. The body might help you achieve your goals, but the energy to relentlessly pursue your dream of looking and feeling better comes from within. Here are 6 ways which would help you mold your thought process and achieve all your weight loss goals:

1. Overcome petty temptations– The desire to over eat just to please your tongue, or smoke death to suffocate your lungs. Seeking to drown reality with needless food and intoxicating drinks, all these petty temptations prevent you from acting till you reach the brink.  It is easy to shed responsibility but most difficult to be responsible. If you manage to control giving in to your petty desires you go a long way towards shedding weight and all your troubles too.

2. Destroy laziness– Laziness is the tallest mountain between you and what you want to do. It is vital to recognize it as it hides behind a million excuses, things which appear to suddenly become more important than your attempts at losing weight. Laziness should be drenched in an ice bucket as soon as it makes its presence felt. You should recognize that the biggest enemy of your weight loss regime lies between your own to ears, but you can make this enemy your biggest ally if you learn to control it.

3. Optimize effort– Punching a wall doesn’t make you Mike Tyson, singing in your bathroom doesn’t make you Frank Sinatara and playing Temple Run wont make you Usain bolt. If you want to achieve anything you have to optimize your efforts, same is the case with weight loss. Don’t be too dependent on someone else to help you at all times, seek advise not dependency. You know yourself the best so it should be you who should be making your weight loss programs and diet charts by collecting genuine advises, researching the internet and making gurus rather than hiring personal trainers.

4. Nurture Optimism– You should believe that whatever you are doing, as insignificant as it might appear, is helping you in a way. The muscle mind complex is such that if you don’t believe in your efforts, you don’t see any results, get disheartened and then quit completely. Read about and watch other people making their dreams come true, this will help you inspire yourself and others by creating an environment of optimism.

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5. Sustaining effort– Any purpose if pursued by the will of accomplishing a certian objective becomes purposeless when the objective is achieved. Similarly if you manage to lose all the weight you wanted, you will most certainly put it all and more back on, if you don’t continue your efforts. Hence, the will to compete against oneself should be sustained till the end of time.

6. Desire, Dedication and determination– You need to build a pit-less reserve of desire to be willing to do anything to achieve your goal, dedication to overcome petty temptations and determination to keep going even when you don’t feel things are working.

If you dig deep down, you will find all the energy and enthusiasm you need to transform yourself into a better form. Yet you should understand, that all the things preventing you from doing this lie inside you too. You got to learn to suppress these feelings in order to give room to something more positive to take their place.

weight loss

Have a good day.