biceps and triceps

Beyond Biceps and Triceps

Men are moved by the aesthetic. This is the main reason most gym hours are spent honing biceps and triceps. Sadly these muscles keep you so engrossed that they alter your perception of fitness. Add to the mix some abs, and that’s here the workout ends.

The motivation to look good is not bad at all but in its intoxication you seem to forget other vital aspects of your fitness regime.

Yes the world promotes the aesthetic, ripped torsos and bulging biceps and triceps are always appealing and imitable. But men often fail to see beyond this masquerade, your body possesses more than 650 muscles and most of you are just stuck on three.    

Here is a look beyond the obvious for the people who actually want to be fitter:

The fascination for the visual is beyond human control, that’s why biceps and triceps are the only muscles people want to behold. 

The others spend sleepless nights and have heart attacks, in admiration or envy of another persons six packs.

But does fitness end at only these things, or do we need to look beyond these anatomical blings. 

People put their body through so much trouble, just to build up these three muscles. 

If only they could realize the importance all other muscles possess, they would come over their urge to impress. 

Fitness involves training so as to provide efficiency to your daily activities, rather than swelling your arms and creating stomach cavities. 

If you think only three muscle groups are important, you are telling yourself a lie, the entire body needs to support you till the day that you die. 

So engrossed with the apparent makes we wonder why, Do they even know the bicep is made of brachialis, brachioradialis and the bicep brachi. 

Most misconceive that the bicep muscle only comprises the balloon on your anterior arm, but these muscles also cover the shoulder and the forearm. 

The tricep muscle has three points of origin at the posterior part of your humerus bone,  Most people train them till they are over grown.

The pectoralis major is shaped like a fan, it covers part of our shoulder and chest, essential on Mondays of most workout plans. 

The anterior, middle and posterior deltoids surround the shoulder, along with the four muscles of the rotator cuff they make it look like a boulder. 

The latissimus dorsi is the biggest muscle of the back, the trapezius muscles is where your shrugs attack. 

The Rhomboid  muscle on your back is diamond shaped, teres minor muscle of the shoulder wraps around the humerus like a snake. 

The rectus and transverse abdominus along with the internal and external obliques form the core, try as hard you can only have 8 pacs and not more. 

In awe of your abs you seldom workout on their supportive muscle group, the Erector spinae on the back often gets you in a hunched soup. 

The iliopsoas, gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and adductor magnus are the muscles of your hip, often ignored these along with the core are the anchors to your body’s ship. 

The legs comprise the quadriceps and the hamstrings, chicken legs blame weak genes cause these aren’t visible through your loose jeans.  

The gastrocnemius and soleus work on your calves, its about time you start spending time building your lower halves. 

Your muscle development should be a consequence of your effort and not the sole aim for it. Society wont allow you to look beyond biceps and triceps but you have to ask yourself question, do you want to be fit for the soceity or yourself?






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