Another day in paradise

At times we overlook, at times we over-expect, at times we are so consumed by our conceptions that we don’t think straight, and when we are not too busy wasting our times lamenting, we appreciate.

Seek the best in everyone you meet,the lesson in every mistake you make and you will be in a perpetual subliminal paradise. Make this a habit and see the world manifest into a better form.

Expecting others to change is ordinary and wont get you far. Showing them the way, by first changing yourself is what you’ll do, if you have an ounce full of functional neurons and expect any returns for the energy you expend.

Our paradise should be defined by our perception and not by how the world acts. Though social conundrums are unavoidable but your response, or the lack of it, to them is within your control. Easier said than done but that’s what growing up teaches you.

Mondays seem to suck most from a working individuals energy levels, the initiation of another weeks grind seems to impair perception and renders the paradise lost.


Monday blues? its just another way for fools, who use days as an excuse, to live a life out of clue. The very few, who are on passionate pursuits, realize its less about the work you do, and more about enjoying each day and all of its hues.

Alacrity is so scarce in this apathy stricken world, that every earnest attempt at diffusing hope into the hopelessness is questioned and resented. But I hope this electronic diffusion helps people take a break from stress induced mundane dispositions, and be more grateful for the gift of life.

Dont be a prisoner to quotidian struggles, its called life, take a deep breath and Savour another day in paradise.

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