6 ways to everlasting Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness don’t come as a lottery, fulfillment is not a one off event. Your everlasting contentment is never guaranteed, no amount of money, love, fame, friends, drugs or any other external objects can satisfy you completely.  You can only be wholly satisfied when your mind, body and soul are balanced optimally.

This process of fulfillment requires you to nurture your body, mind and soul and create the perfect world for yourself. Only when you look within do you find out  what you are without.  Strangely the world we live in today, wants to try everything out and fail at fulfillment before attempting to work on their own wellness.

Here are 6 health and wellness practices which will help you find the right balance and put you on your way to fulfillment through:

1. The art of silencing the Mind– With so much going on in this digitally supplemented world, the ease with which garbage reaches are eyes and ears has reduced. As a result retain individual thoughts and nurturing uninhibited creativity has become impossible. The best way of working towards not being just another sheep in the mall or another brick in the wall is to silence the mind every day for sometime. Through meditation you will give yourself the opportunity of diving within your own self and identify your own traits and thoughts. This will distinguish you from what the world wants you to want, and what the world wants you to be. Learning to silence the mind helped me when I started my journey towards meditation.

Health and Wellness

2. Be mindful of what you eat– Again the speed of life , along with the law of following the herd, influences you to do things which you usually wouldn’t imagine yourself doing. One of theses things is eating the garbage that is extensively sold and widely promoted. Convenience doesn’t have to mean that you eat junk. Try to eat small portions 5-6 times a day. Eat a balanced diet of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fiber. Its not rocket science you just have to overcome your own laziness and the social craziness, to eat healthy.

3. Sharpen your mind– There are multiple ways of sharpening your own brain, the most important is to learn to silence it first, then indulging in ways to let it discover and figure out things for itself. Your mind is very beautiful and can function way more than you think it can. All you use it for these days is to filter advertisements and ridicule friends. Feed it with knowledge in the form of books which fuel creativity. Creativity by Osho and How to have creative ideas by Edward De Bono’s are my favorites.

4. Sooth your soul- There are many ways of soothing your soul. None more important than spending time with nature. Nature has its own way of leaving its mark on you, it teaches you lessons in the most beautiful way possible. Music just like nature helps you see things inside yourself. The best replacement for silence in your life is some soothing music. You can either in some western classics like The Best of Beethoven & Mozart or dip your soul in the audible divinity of Krishna Das.

Health and Wellness

5. Daily dose of fitness– Just like regular oiling prevents the automobile from breaking down. Similarly regular workouts not only help build an aesthetic physique but also calm the mind. Regular doses of yoga, weight lifting and cardio vascular training ensure health and wellness in many ways you cant even imagine. The habit of taking care of the shell you are born in depicts your seriousness about life. Charity begins at home and clarity begins from the muscles and bones. Go through the Pharmacy for the Soul before you are forced to visit other pharmacies.

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6. Follow your passion– Every moment spent in working just for the heck of it is a precious moment wasted. If a task cant inspire you to invest absolute focus in it without luring with perks and privileges, then you shouldn’t be pursuing such endeavors. Complaining, frustration, anger, fear and all such vies are by products of doing things you don’t love. The detrimental impact these things have on your health and wellness can’t be measured against all the material wealth you accumulate throughout your life. So do what you love and the universe will enrich you with everlasting health and wellness to pursue and fulfill your purpose in life.

Attaining health and wellness might be easy, sustaining it is almost impossible. An individual who is enlightened enough to sustain these good vibes will share them with everyone around them unconditionally. So look for these people in order to make yourself one of them. See the best in those around you and those around you will automatically see the best in you. This is how you will create a network of good vibes in order to sustain good health and wellness for yourself and your community.





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