Tag Archives: dream

Chasing dreams

In your quest for immortality

I live my life to be immortal, not that I want to live forever in this physical form, but as part of someone else’s thought.

You aren’t immortalized by the money that we leave behind in our accounts, neither by the fancy cars and houses we make for ourselves. These evanesce just like everything tangible. You aren’t etched into the stone of eternity by living a settled stable life, anyone willing to lower his demands is capable of doing that. 

Everyone who has ever been of any consequence has had one unique ability. They have had the same body, brain and 24 hours in the day, but this one quality has made them stand out from the rest. This attribute has made their stories immortal and their names legendary. Everyone can, but only few understand what this hallmark for greatness is.


The relentlessness behind the rewards

Usually people only celebrate consequences of the lives that legends lived, they are mostly remembered for the inventions they made, the battles they won, the mountains they climbed, the books they wrote and the hearts they touched.

But all these consequences are a result of how relentlessly they pursued their dreams throughout their lives, the abundance of fortitude they displayed while chasing their aspirations. The strength of purpose in their dreams gave them the energy to keep trying repetitively, till they start taking failure nonchalantly. They weren’t afraid of failing hence they eventually succeeded.

They dint have a magical genetic function, no one does. They faced the same daily struggles that any ordinary person does. But they were set apart from the crowd in two ways. Firstly they dared to dream, yes most of us are too good at building castles in the air. Secondly and more importantly, they were so captivated by their own dreams that they pursued them with an obstinate mindset. Their mesmeric devotion towards fulfilling these dreams auto- aligned the universe in their favor.

Chase your dreams

Dare to dream, its the most obvious thing to do, dedicate yourself wholly to its fulfillment and providence will move. Your resolve is stronger than what you think of it to be.

The world is too preoccupied in transferring today’s joy to tomorrow in their struggle for stability. They are unaware of what independent dreaming is, as they are busy fulfilling the dreams of others. As explored in Are you in shape or just stable? people don’t want to be in shape as they chase this elusive stability like a zombie.

Social conundrums defeat us when we try to dream, resistance prevents us from persisting after the first failure and your closest associates demoralize because they themselves have no clue. It seems like the universe conspires against letting you chase your dreams, well it only gives you what you actually want. Its up to you to listen to the resistance inside you and the critics outside. Remember that you give them the voice that they have.

First they will try to stop you, then laugh at you, then be jealous, then applaud you and finally follow you.