Super fitness

The secret mantra to super fitness

Relentless perseverance 

Super fitness
Downtown Boston

Your wandering minds and ephemeral spans of attention get sucked in by the infinite distractions all around you, leaving you no scope to persevere a single task to your full potential hence making super fitness an inconceivable concept for the normal mind.

The digital evolution has filled your plate with so much information so quickly.It is impossible to digest the platter of data completely without allowing your mind to wander. With such a wide spectrum in the offing. Your minds have been conditioned to partially digest bits of information before automatically moving on to the next bit. This dissonance has superimposed on all spheres of your being. As a result, you get bored too easily, you feel out of place too soon, you give up too early, you stop reading articles after the first paragraph.

Although it is impossible to dissociate from this set pattern of thought but there are ways to diminish its effect. The next time you decide on pursuing an objective, take it up with the intention of persevering it relentlessly until you achieve what you sought for. The task can be as small as cleaning your room, reading an article or sleeping/waking up early. Set yourself a target and don’t quit till you achieve it. Earnest endeavors are self fulfilling.The joy of completing a task COMPLETELY, however small it might be, will help you to push yourself towards achieving higher objectives.

Relentless perseverance has helped me mold my mentality and physiology. An earnest decision taken 5 years back led me to the gym. I was at best a feather weight, the blowing wind made me levitate 🙂  After relentlessly persevering for 5 years I find myself in a situation where I can help others trying to achieve a better state of mental and physical health. I could have chosen to squander my talent and hardwork in cheap exhibitionism. But the joy of sowing a seed, nurturing it and seeing it grow and bear fruits is the most enchanting experience ever. Hence I chose to sow seeds in the most fertile of soils, the human conscience, so as to help people help themselves.

Deciphering The Dragon Scroll 

Now that I have written proof of my intentions we come down to Master Oogway and deciphering mantras to super fitness. The legendary dragon scroll, brain child of Master Oogway from the Kungfu panda, reflects upon the mantra to super fitness. I would help translate this legendary scroll which was actually blank.

As the plot in the movie unfolds, the pudgy panda dreams of becoming the dragon warrior(the greatest warrior ever). He faces stiff competition from a host of other competitors. His master(Shifu) tells him he can only become thee dragon warrior if he learns the secret of the dragon scroll(which enriches the one who reads it with limitless power). After fighting his fat bum off trying to procure the scroll the panda finds that the scroll is in fact, blank.

Now what does an animated movie about a pudgy panda fighting for a blank scroll created by a turtle, teach us about super fitness. Most people think I am tripping on pre workout when I share the parable. But the unseen message that the scroll carries is that “earnest endeavors are self fulfilling and the ultimate reward ĂŻs what you learn along the journey, a part of which is the ability to believe in oneself”.

Even the panda on his quest for the scroll transformed from a wanton serving wuss to an objective driven, self believing lightning fast reflexes having panda. The commonality was that he failed, was ridiculed and laughed at, battered to a pulp by people far more stronger than he was, but he never quit believing in himself. His relentless perseverance paid off. Leading him to glory and also teaching him invaluable lessons along the way. The most important being”Believing in oneself.”

The Secret Mantra to Super Fitness 

Hold an idea, a thought, a dream, howmuchsoever ludicrous it might appear. Persevere, you will be ridiculed at the onset. You will feel purposelessness. You will be at the brink of giving up more times than not. Keep going. Remember the lessons learnt and obstacles overcome through the journey are rewards in themselves. These supplement the ultimate reward of fulling your goals. With an ounce of self belief and a pair of headphones you can achieve things that at present seem unbelievable.

Fitness means different things to different people. For me it is beyond the obvious python biceps and wash board abs. Its my attempt at practicing relentless perseverance to go one better every single day. Once you overcome the subliminal battles the physiological part takes care of itself. These subliminal battles include, battling the crowd, battling pain, battling the urge to quit, battling the taste buds, battling weak genes. Overcoming these unlocks the gateway to super fitness of mind, body and soul. I will elaborate on them later as, being a part of the evolutionised gene pool, I cant focus on the article anymore. Have a good day!


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