best smartphones

How to use the best smartphones in the best way?

With the digital revolutions at its peak everyone wants to possess the best smartphone. But most of the times the best smartphones ends up possessing you.  The best smartphones these days has more technology than devices used to put man on the moon. It has so much potential but most of it is wasted by how it is being used.

Here are some honest questions which will help you rate yourself with respect to how you use your smartphone:

Do the best smartphones control you or you control  them?

If your push notifications for social media are switched on you are a slave to your smartphone as the lights on your phone control your attention.

Are you digital contributor or a digital spectator?

Do you merely go around from post to post of the social networking mediums hunting for gossip and news(its hard to tell the difference these days)  or do you use your best smartphones to contribute  your specific magic/talent to the people around you.  The basic ingredient to be a contributor is to be self aware and understand your specific niche. You can easily be famous these days, but not just for gossiping or posting selfies.

How impulsive are you with your best smartphone?

There is no doubt that your best smartphones are like a new organ in your body.  But how dependent are you on it? Do you pick it up without any reason just to avoid the awkwardness of reality? Or does picking it up hold any special significance like answering a call, having relevant chats or motivating or inspiring someone.

Are your relationships being dictated by your smartphone?

Most modern relationships are a direct consequence of social networking sites. People who cant stand each other for 15 mins face to face can spend hours and hours chatting about an ideal world which is virtual. Yes your best smartphones foster connectivity but when it comes to real relationships, the smartphone is a tertiary resource rather than a primary one.

How much time can you spend without your smartphone? How much time  do you spend without your best smartphones before sleeping or after getting up ?

This will help show you how conditioned and dependent you have become.  If a device which was not even existing 15 years from now is controlling your life, then its high time that you start introspecting.

If you reflect on these questions with honesty you will come to a good understanding as to why better connections are made where the network is low.

best smartphones

The best way to use your Best Smartphones 

So what is the best way of utilizing your smartphone?

Just like being overdependent on your smartphone is not ideal, similarly it is not right to give it all up and live in a technological vacuum.  Finding the right balance is the key to maximizing the potential of your best smartphones.

Start using the wonderful cameras of your smartphones to document your life.  For that you will first need to have a lifestyle worth documenting.  That doesn’t mean  you try to create a fake one. only authenticity sells in the digital domain. So, live your passions and document them. It will firstly help you to understand what your passion is and secondly be more productive with it.

Research and Learn- Your smartphone makes it so easy to learn a new skill and educate yourself but most overlook these benefits. I had no knowledge of website development when I built this blog on WordPress, as of now I am learning 7 different software pertaining to video editing, music production and graphic designing.

Get inspired – The internet has millions of gigabytes of audios and videos on motivation and inspiration. Its so easy to get inspired for the ones who have the will to. You might be wanting to start a new business, get healthier or improve your relationships. inspiration is what will get you started.

Here are some youtube channels you can follow for inspiration:

best smartphone

Gary Vaynerchuk 

Tom Bilyeu

Tai Lopez 

Tony Robbins

Eric Thomas 

Mateus M

In the modern era everyone has been gifted with so many opportunities. Yet only the few who recognize these and can control their mindset are able to take them.  Do let me know on how you utilize your best smartphones.

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