Category Archives: Wellness

The power of your dreams

Unjustified potential is the most widespread disease creeping the world. The fear of failure enervates the youth and makes them tread the obvious path. Hence they fail to realize their natural gifts and belie their potential. The society obfuscates young minds into believing that they are born to serve the society instead of offering something new to it. So to avoid the social chagrin that comes as a result of failure, you fail to try at all. Hence our current system is churning out sycophants who claw their way up a channel of professional servants.

While some parts of the world lavish, our prudence prevents us from going after the bigger fish, hence we are too busy struggling and competing for necessities. Disillusioned by the deceptive munificence of the ones ruling the world, we are like the big fish in small ponds. Happy in small victories because we are afraid to swim in higher tides.

But with better connectivity, people are not as deprived of information as they were before. A storm brews, the silent indignation wont be muted for too long. Some will be enlightened and will take it upon themselves to empower people around them.

Nature gives all of us a fair chance to blossom into the best that we can be, till the time we realize that anarchical despots have limited our potential boundary.

Our bondage is not about chains anymore, methods of bondage have evolved with time too, its our minds that our being controlled, we are subliminally enslaved, and we don’t even have a clue.

How can we think right when our very social system has been debauched to its very core, While the ruling powers are busy competing  for the big fish, we fight among ourselves to decide who will be keeping score.

They took centuries to dent our realities and rob us of our values and culture, Now they soar the sky with the loot, still monitoring our downfall from the top, like ravenous vultures.

Our insecurities reflect the miserable state of our minds, we are perpetually afraid because of the system they gave us, It wont happen overnight, it would take centuries of thought refinement to save us.

Although the journey is long and the destination unseen, we can play our little parts by realizing the ineffable power of our dreams.

You might not be able to sing the right songs or dance the right dance, but by believing in yourself you surely give yourself a fair chance.

As it is better to try and fail than to not try at all, At one end lies success, the other lessons from the fall.

A bystanders view of more than a jillion hues

Enumerable gifts and curses come complimentary to the ones having a wide attention span. Some of us our endowed with the bandwidth of paradigm to notice beyond the obvious, the ones who can see the sparkle in the sky when its just abyssal darkness for the others, the ones who can relate to the shapes the clouds take up and the palliative potential of a roaring river,  the ones who can notice the sadness in smiles and the treachery in tears,the ones who can marvel with rapture the aesthetic vista and the pristine rumble of the jungle, belong to this category. But on the flip-side the same gifted ones endure the wrath that inflated perspicacity endows.


Some of us go through those inglorious days wherein life seems to trap you in a byzantine maze through its incredulous ways, you feel out of place like cadavers out of graves, the more you fight the feeling the longer it stays. While the majority is illiterate to the ludicrous games life plays, the enchanted solemnly embrace what ever is served on their trays.
The benighted ones hold just this one advantage over the enlightened, the luxury of not realizing universal allusions because their state of awareness isn’t heightened.

But the ones who are impaired of looking beyond the obvious, cozing in their comfort zones, oblivious , Are actually dwelling in a void, incapable of savouring the subtleties of little moments, so precious.

Meanwhile the bystander attempts in vain to balance his superfluous perceptional potential to juice the brilliance out of the momentary view, But this is his curse, the white comes with the black, and he cant help but notice the full spectrum of hues.

Widen your paradigm, start observing the enumerable pixels in your frame of vision, and you will soon come to realize, You are auto-empowered to bare with the grotesque so that you can gape at the grandeur of this funny thing called life.

The Flattest Bread- Love what you do

Being grateful and being wise will help you silence the demons inside

The uncertainty of the infinite acts like those dreary brain clouds,

The same ones which make you question and doubt.

Indecision strangles your dreams impeding the glory you deserve,

Reticence is a by product, you are poisoned by the suspicion that you force yourself to preserve.

The malfunctioning rocket science, which doesn’t exist, hoodwinks us all the time,

Life’s a magnificent melody if you’re in tune, a coherent rhyme.

You deserve to be the king you were born to be,

So stop pretending to be stooges and feeling awkwardly.

Tread the glorious path of dreams and you will get to learn,

A meaningful life means much more than the money you earn.

Love what you do and do what you love, that’s what Farooq said,

He is the one affording the smile while making the flattest bread.


If you wish to start writing or have been writing already, the following lines would put you in good stead to accomplish what you are after.

In order to be a writer, you have to learn to be reverent. If not, why are you writing? Why are you here? … Think of reverence as awe, as presence in and openness to the world. Think of those times when you’ve read prose or poetry that is presented in such a way that you have a fleeting sense of being startled by beauty or insight, by a glimpse into someone’s soul. All of a sudden everything seems to fit together or at least to have some meaning for a moment. This is our goal as writers, I think; to help others have this sense of — please forgive me — wonder, of seeing things anew, things that can catch us off guard, that break in on our small, bordered worlds. When this happens, everything feels more spacious.

Instinctive Freedom- Lucidity by hacking the consciousness

Unlocking the lock of conformance through the key of spontaneity

Spontaneity is the boat used to row across the abyssal void between the mundane and the entertaining. Being spontaneous is not a talent it comes out of practice. Spontaneity is the consequence of throwing yourself out of your comfort zones.  It is the consequence of breaking uniform patterns and chasing random ones. The randomness of chaos is conducive to a more instinctive and consequently affable life process. The cherished souls blessed with superior instincts strive to spread the mindset and share the beauty of their perception with the world. Writing about experiences and experiencing instances worthy of textual depiction are habits of such spontaneous people to empower the people around them to live in the moment. 

All our conscious moments are spent either in anxiety over the uncertainty of the future  or ruing the unfortunate past. Tragedy lies in the fact that at the intersection of Po these worries lies the present moment, influenced and impaired by both. The Taoist concept of Pu (meaning the uncarved rock) comes to head. It represent the original nature, prior to the imprint of culture and experiences. The state one goes back to at the end. Spontaneity involves ridding oneself of any preconceived notions and taking each fresh moment as an absolutely new experience. This is the state we were born with and this is the state in which we should experience every moment. By undertaking new challenges constantly, we fuel our instincts and exercise are  spontaneous responses , making them coherent.

Over introspection is a flaw too potent, makes us indulge in everything except the present moment. 

But you can only only enjoy this worlds true magnificence, when you break the shackles of the conscious and overcome your self imposed reticence.

Uniform thoughts and experiences are bound to render this life mundane,

Life is supposed to be grander, a little chaotic, a little insane.

The security of uniformity conceals the enumerable opportunities that the unknown withholds,

Take a chance, make a change, nullify doubts and express yourself, be bold,

Move at the speed of life, and let your instincts unfold,

Avoid the contemporary, be part of a story untold.

An infinite loop of chic indulgence and slick penmanship commissions you to dent the universe and lead others to change,

While enhancing your own paradigm you can help others expand their perspectives range.

Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing

A writers job consists of spreading the message of the free spirit through his words. Words carry no meaning if not backed by actions and hence treading untouched paths and surfing stranger tides becomes essential. This not only gives a writers work its souls but the articulate depiction experiences equips readers to fight the demons that make them follow conventional patterns and lead similar secure lifestyles.

Everyone wants to be a star, but they refrain from taking adequate action necessary to break through conformance. The least you can do is to hack your consciousness, which tempts you to always do the easiest obvious thing. The best he can do is to spark others lives through the luminescence of his actions.

“We make our wo…

“We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers.”

Being true to oneself is the first earnest step towards a successful life of dignity and respect. Being a habit this is acquired over a period of time and requires perpetual honesty and sincerity.  We are responsible for our own significance. Inculcating a habit of asking yourself courageous questions and giving yourself honest answers will help you explore your own personality and push you towards what you really want in life. 

This is one of the mantras of success. As you cannot give what you don’t have, if you lie to ourselves you can never be truthful to others. Hence by asking yourselves the toughest questions and answering yourself in the realest way possible, you are empowered with the confidence to chase your honest dreams and aid others in doing the same.