Category Archives: Wellness

The Magic of Mornings – 7 Ways to Start your Day?

The decisions you make as soon as you wake up end up defining your day, which ends up defining your life. So it is essential to learn how to start the day before learning anything else.

The mystical powers of mornings cant be undermined, it is the time of the day when your awareness meets existence, your free will meets the flow of life. This is the reason everyone gets to define their day in their own way.

The majority who keep snoozing the alarm are simultaneously snoozing their struggles, the ones waking up with a spring in their step look forward to the prospects of countless opportunities that are veiled behind the clouds of laziness.

How to start your day?

Well actually there is no perfect way to start your day,everyone has to make their own. But there are few aspects which help you design your morning rituals in order to increase your energy levels and quality of life. These also help you be more productive and efficient, to maximize your organic potential.

start your day

As early as possible

The benefits of proper sleep can’t be undermined.. As mentioned in Sleep Shortcuts  you need to sleep at specific hours to complete rest when it comes to your brain and hormones which helps you with your energy levels through the day. Early rising is not only in accordance with your natural circardian rhythm, sleep cycle, but also gives you alone time in the morning, without the disturbances of people around you, to connect better with yourself without any influences.


Set an early morning wake up time and see how your body automatically re-arranges its sleep patterns.  Take baby steps and learn hacks to control sleep cycle by reading Sleep Shortcuts. 

Jump Start, When you snooze you lose – The  first few seconds when you wake up set a trend for the rest of your day.  They not only indicate the kind of life you live, something you want to avoid, or something you look forward to, but also  determine the direction it will go to, the one you decide or the one fate decides for you. When you jump start your day, you send a very strong signal to the universal energy. This optimism laden signal brings you more energy and fortune smiles on your positive attitude to add to it with some cosmic magic.


Don’t use an alarm clock, let your body adapt naturally. You might fail a few times and miss your time, but if you use an alarm, you keep alive the option of snoozing, to start your day with intent the decision has to come from your inner core.

Meditation and Affirmations – Man is a social animal, but a solitary being. This means you are blessed with free will, which sets you apart from everyone around you. So you don’t need anyone to approve what you feel about yourself, you have define it individually. For this an inner awareness through meditation  and an outer expression of your beautiful self through  affirmations is a must. Meditation means a lot of different things to a lot of different people, the basic ethos is to connect with your inner self, as a distinct part of the whole.


Just notice your breathe for 2 mins as you wake up while deep breathing.  Keep one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach, when you inhale the hand on the stomach should move and the one on the chest should remain still. Breathing being the bridge between the tangible and the intangible, outer and inner, signifies a lot and helps you with realizing inner peace and magic.

I believe written affirmations are really effective, make a habit of writing  I AM followed by 40 qualities you have or inspire to have as one word of action (I am grateful, I am  Caring, I am Loving, I am successful) for 40 days and you will see how it all comems to you.

Gratitude, Forgiveness, Faith and Hope – Being grateful for what you have will get you more  of what makes you grateful. Forgiving oneself rids your from dream crushing guilt and forgiving others liberates you from their control. Faith reassures your  belief in the goodness of life and Hope helps you chase the extraordinary. Directing your attention towards these aspects early in the day, recentre’s your scope.


With eyes shut, Envision yourself as an insignificant particle of this cosmos. Slowly expand your being from where you are to the far corners of the universe. As you do, align yourself with the energy of each realm, the immediate realm around you, at your home, in your neighborhood, in your city on your planet, Expand to the entire solar system and float among the planets then the stars then all other dimensions.  As you expand, be perceptive of the awe inspiring amazingness which makes life and its multiple facets possible, be grateful for it, and from their will arise forgiveness, faith and hope.

Music and Motivational Video –  A motivating piece of content early in the morning and work wonders for you. It is said that everyone who listens to positive videos and music earlier on in the day, involves him or herself  in increasing the goodness of the planet.  Rather than just rushing through the morning and the day, these people are more mindful and add positive energy all around them, which is little of paying back the universe for the gift of life.


These are some of the channels I like:

Motivational Hub

Be Inspired


Make your BED

Finally a small but significant part of your morning,  make your bed. Other than physical aspect of cleanliness, it emits a vibe of clarity and discipline, completing the task of sleeping isn’t over till you make your bed, and whats best is when you come back home at night you get a well made bed to sleep on.


Spread bed sheet evenly, tuck it at the corners. Fold the blanket, arrange the pillows, smile while you do it thinking about this article.

Warm Water, Lemon and Honey

Squeeze some good health into your lives early in the morning,  there are many  good effects of water in your system  early in the morning, along with lemon and honey its an elixir.


Warm Water, Squeeze lemon, add spoonful of honey, lick the poon, drink from the glass, one sip at a time.

Do share your inputs on how you start your day. What do you have first thing in the morning? Do you have any other morning rituals which can help others?


I hope you start your day well and invest time in being the authors of you story.


Hybrid Humans – Adapting to a Digital Lifestyle

As man’s interaction with technology gets more intimate we come to the understanding that a new species of Homo Sapiens has come to being.  They look like us, they talk like us, they speak like us, they are among us but they think differently. As the transitional generation of humans passes on the torch to the fully hybrid ones, I forsee even more amalgamation with technology.

The ones trying to avoid this digital revolution (check out Darwins  theory) are fighting a lost cause, the scale of interaction has long surpassed a state of withdrawal. Reading through this article  you will find out why you will be a fool to think about avoiding technology and why learning to manage it is a better aim.

All we can do now is to adapt to a digital lifestyle by inculcating good digital habits in ourselves and the people around us so that we,as humans, remain the masters of our work rather than losing out completely to technology..

Digital Diffusion – The New Networks

digital lifestyle
Computer circuit board in the form of the human brain Credits Huffingtonpost

As an Urban Yogi it is easy for me to believe that there is a network of energy which connects all of us.  The causal energy governing all lives is also referred to as spirit, and is mentioned directly and indirectly in almost all religious texts.

This intangible energy helps us connect with other humans and align with some without even saying a word, based on the energy they emit..  This is why we seem to form an automatic  alignment with some strangers who are in the vibrational frequency  while we get bad vibe from others.

In the modern world such energy has been represented faintly by electrical energy and now is being represented by the digital network which affords you a digital lifestlyle.

The modern way of life is a diffusion between meditative and  cybernated worlds. Although meditation is a far wider concept which helps you connect to your innermost self but try moving your head around this.

When you shut your eyes you can be anyone or anywhere you want, modern technology helps you almost to do that through virtual reality, you have more scope of memory through the digital network and google.

Imagine the Possibilities of a Holistic Digital Lifestyle

As mentioned by  the modern world visionary Elon Musk in a podcast with Joe Rogan  the biggest problem now with  the digital interface is the slow input times. We either have to type or speak to access the information which is a very slow process when we compare it with how quickly our brain works.

The solution is a neural link in your brain, a device which will help you access the network through your thoughts.

digital lifestyle
Picture Credits CIPD

Imagine the possibilities of a holistic digital lifestyle  where you just have to think about the topics you are interested in and being able to access terrabytes of data, as text,video and audio about it through your mind.

Imagine  ordering your Uber  with no need of taking out your phone, imagine communicating a message without needing to type, imagine watching a video by shutting your eyes, imagine self ordered groceries through Amazon by automated analysis of biological needs.   Imagine no need for books but still learning lessons, imagine saving your specific hybrid self in a hard drive and uploading the same on a different body, no death.

As new networks develop all these fantasies seem possible. Imagine, thinking about the modern digital lifestyle 15 years back, it was a fantasy which is now a reality.

ARTificial Intelligence

Picture Credits 1insurer
Picture Credits 1insurer

It is inevitable that we are bound to come up with a version of machines capable of thinking for itself.  It will mostly be a hybrid human, if you notice around you this hybridization has been initiated. All of you are part machines, in different proportions.

Over the last 15 years there has been more evolution than the previous 500 years. The rate of evolution is getting quicker and it will gather further pace with artificial intelligence.

My take on it is, we need to understand this digital diffusion is unavoidable now, but lets not lose our human-ness in front of technology. There are amazing possibilities which beckon yet lets not lose the specific traits which outline our species.

Lets try not to let our ARTisitic side die in a scientific world.  Lets meet the intelligent machines with the fullness  of our humanness. with traits such as Love, Compassion, Empathy, Humility and Gratitude. So that we end up defining our digital lifestyle.

The Inner Avengers – The Infinity War of Self-Improvement

With the much anticipated, Avengers – Infinity War due to release  on 27th April, most people will have that temporary superhero  movement. That feeling of saving the world and doing something incredible.

But instead of  relishing this temporary feeling why don’t you decide to make yourself a real avenger. And instead of temporarily saving the world permanently save yourself by fighting the infinity war of self improvement.

No Thanos will never attack earth and you will never get a call from Nick Fury. No you will never have a magical plant which will give you superpowers or have the ability to develop superhuman strength if you get angry. But you can still be your own Avenger and fight the infinity war of self improvement against your own lazy  and comfortable self.  You can develop character traits which will  prepare you for success and make you more than a mortal who is simply dying to die.

The Infinity War Within

No matter who you are your scope of improvement will never be over.  Your capacity for improvement is infinite. And the only person stopping you is You.  If you can recognize this basic fact, then you will be well placed to learn the necessary steps to move forward.

We all have two voices in our heads, just like the forces in the movie, the good, avengers, and the evil,  Thanos and Black order.  While one wants you to be happy, hopeful, progressive,  helpful and responsible the other comes in the way of your success in the form of anger, jealousy, laziness, doubt and fear.

Recognizing your Limitlessness

You have to recognize that you are born limitless, the only limits that you impose on yourself is because of these evil voice inside you. Your success depends on your ability to make your own self empowering (good)voice win against the self doubting(evil) one.

I have compiled certain tools and tricks inspired by your favorite avengers to  empower your good voice and make you win the infinity war of improvement. You are born without any  limits,

Learning from the Avengers

So every one of your favorite Avengers has something to teach you. This will equip you to win the infinity war within and maximize your potential. Here are some pointers:

  1. Be meditative and aware like Doctor Strange    
  2. Learn to Channel Your Rage like Hulk
  3. Lead your mind like Captain America
  4. Use Technology to your Advantage like Ironman
  5. Guard the doorway of your thoughts like Heimdall and hammer out your flaws like Thor
  6. Stick to your dreams like Spiderman
  7. Protect your brain from doubters with a Vibranium like value system the Black Panther
  8. Always have a clear vision for yourself so that you can plan accordingly like Vision
  9. Have fun while winning like Star Lord

When you manage to do all the above you will definitely win the infinity war of improvement. So although the movie will be amazing and have brilliant special effects.I hope that it has a special effect on your inner being and makes you fight and win the Infinity war of Self Improvement just like your favorite Avengers,

P.S. I must  also tell you that the only time you can be Thanos is at the gym, when you get a chance to kill Iron Man.

Sleep Shortcuts – Why and how to sleep better?

After years and years of research on health and wellness, mostly through the night, I came to the understanding that I should be doing most of my research through the day and focus more on how to sleep better.

Sleeping better is one of the pillars of  a healthy lifestlye along with exercising and healthy eating.  As of this moment, it is elevated to the most important pillar as google rates the search for “how to sleep better” very high.

Text Overlay iPhone Layout

Everyone wants to know how to sleep better without even understanding the actual benefits or hazards of sleeping habits. As the west started getting into sleep hygiene, India went into nightlife pollution.

But this article will help throw light on why your ignored sleep cycle is the secret behind many of your physical and mental ailments.

I have summarized some shortcuts which can fast track your sleep hygiene. The shortcuts mentioned below our explained in the article in detail.

How to sleep better

Why and How to sleep better?

The digital disco plays the best beats when you are about to sleep.  Cyber black holes suck you in as soon as you pick up your phone right before sleeping and soon what was supposed to be 15 minutes becomes 3 hours.

I think all of you who have found the topic of this article interesting can relate to the statement above. Many might argue that even if they sleep at 3 a.m. they can complete their sleep by waking up late or sleeping during the afternoon or covering up on the weekend.

But it is essential to establish optimized circadian rhythm, sleep cycle, throughout your life to ensure proper hormonal function which are essential for disease prevention, determine your mood, optimizing body temperature and ensure quality rest.

Here are some good and bad impacts of sleep cycle which will tell you why you should learn how  to sleep better.

how to sleep better


Ensuring Optimal Sleep Cycles

Optimal sleep cycles based on research ensure proper hormonal secretion. The best time for quality sleep  based on hormone secretion is between 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.

It is impossible for modern lifestyles to make sense of this timeline. But the rates at which stress, depression and substance abuse are going up, we need to backtrack a little on  modern lifestyle if we have to live better.

You can either look at this video for in-depth discussions on why and how to sleep better or look at the summary below to find out how to sleep better.


  1. Digital Curfew – Set a curfew beyond which no technology should be used, avoid screens and engage in more human activities.
  2. Use technology well– Download flux for windows, Twilight for android and use the blue light filter on your iPhones if you have to use your phones late at night.
  3. Bedroom should be a sleep sanctuary– Make your bedroom into a sleep zone, don’t use it for everything else, that way you will condition your minds neural framework to relate the rooms ambiance only to sleep.
  4. Lower Room temperatures– Ideally between 16-20 degree Celsius.  Take a warm bath before bedtime, use socks if you feel cold.
  5. Get more sunlight– Between 6 am to 10 am  in the morning for 10 to 15 mins is enough to reset cortisol rhythm.
  6. Ensure darkness– Make your bed room devoid of any lights when you sleep as even your skin has photo receptors which can sense even less light.
  7. Workout in the morning–  Resets your cortisol rhythm ensures proper sleep cycles and lower blood pressure in the evening.
  8. Meditate- Let Buddha sing you a lullaby.

For more about circadian rhythm by  reading the book Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson  and follow him on social media and youtube to know more. If you learn how to sleep better you will  not only do good to yourself but the environment around you.

Spring Season : The Micro Universe in my Garden

The spring season brings with it the festival of colors. As butterflies dance around the micro universe in my garden, blooming flowers bring every pigment in the spectrum to life.  The freshness of the spring season captivates your vision, leaving no hue to the imagination. The flowers impart lessons along with  pheromone tingling fragrances which set the soul alight.

Ever spec of nature has amazing stories to tell,

Deluded friend, you need to align yourself well,

To decipher cosmic whispers from earthly yells,

To discover heaven on earth and paradise even in hell.

Its a matter of Perspective

To the awakened mind, peace and bliss walk hand in hand, from inside out.

As the awakened mind has a higher conscious level, to see through the material camouflage of life.  We are all looking at similar things with different perspectives. The awakened ones find much more on a morning walk in the spring season than others do throughout their lives.

The micro universe in my garden depicts life in the most beautiful way.


Our universe is a combination of many micro universe’s. Every individual lives in his own universe, every habitat is a universe in itself. In the spring season my garden represents one such micro universe, which has all the fundamental of the supreme universe but is a micro representation.


spring season

On the one hand we see life blossoming in its different stages, these represent the different levels of your awareness leading up to maturity to awakeninlg, which is the ultimate blossoming into your individual magnificent form.

On the other, we see  people falling from the helm of life into lifelessness. This fall might be in the form of death or death in life, when people fall prey to the rat race of doing things just for the skae of earning money and fame.

Friends and Family

spring season

The ones connected to their roots always stay grounded and humble, even when they stumble, they are quick to realign  and find themselves in the urban jungle.

Real friends and family don’t move away from difficult or weak flowers. They are always together through thick and thin, and this defines their beauty.


Enchanting Rendezvous

Just like the spring season life is ephemeral.  That is why it is best to relish by staying detached.

This is displayed in every aspect of life, even with relationships. Where you have the enchanting experience of meeting someone new, the adaptive process of aligning yourself to their lifestyle, the magical symbiotic purple match before you finally depart.

Once you understand this cycle you enjoy each phase without being attached to any of it.


The spring season, when the butterflies sparkle and birds chirp for no reason,

When both the sun and snow are testing and teasing,

When the cluster of green leaves allow only the milder breeze in,

A spectacle of colors, ephemerality, its only treason.

The spring season brings hope and color after the freezing winter. It paves the way for a brighter summer. The lessons it carries are tremendously profound, yet none more profound than the ephemeral nature of life. So enjoy this season till it lasts and then enjoy what comes after.