Are you in shape or just stable?

By the time you are finally stable in your life (and stable is as unstable a word as there is) you will find yourself out of shape. If not physiologically then surely psychologically. Yes, by then, you will have made yourself stubborn enough to accept the deformed form you are in. You would have excuses and excuses to cover those excuses. You will spend your days around coherent slaves and evenings, alone or with partners(even virtual ones)equally as disillusioned as you are. And together you will find someone to look down upon while ignoring the thousands who are better,
The mad rush for stability blinds you to many a beautiful things,including yourself. Soon you are engulfed by the system which makes you programmed and monotonous. Your motivation is green in color and that’s the basis of your daily struggle. You go through the day cursing everyone and do the same the next day, never failing to show up. The system has the great quality of making you believe that you are a dependent loser with no other option but to struggle perpetually. The frustration manipulates your mind and you turn into a loser, who rather than accepting his own follies only sees follies all around him. You somehow manage to find a demeaning quality in every single thing around you. Just because you don’t see the best in yourself doesn’t mean you have the right to see and glorify the worst in others.

Snap out of it

I would grab both your shoulders and shake and make you snap out of it but you wont let me. Although snapping out of it is far easier than your inflated ego makes it to be but it is true that our worst enemy lies between our two ears. Your condescending self is stable, and it will never believe that it has a problem, so realization would be a solitary pursuit, and if you are lucky you will realize.
Here is a list of things you can do get back in shape if you are able to overcome the realizing bit.

1. Appreciation– Learn to appreciate even the simplest of things and gestures that someones makes. We are not as mechanical as our computers, and even they have been programmed to welcome you and ensure you don’t get bored through a number of interactive programs. Appreciate the infinite energies that you are surrounded with, which are too easily ignored in pursuits if stability.
2. Compromise– It is a bitter pill to swallow but you cant have everything you want. You have to let go of the perfect life that you envisaged and accept the struggle as it is. Only when you come to terms with your reality will you garner the strength to fight your demons and improve.
3. Empathize– The sole reason that you were born where you were and not on some deserted island in Papua New Guinea is because you are a significant part of the social fabric around you. You play a major role towards the betterment of the people around you. But if you don’t communicate with them you would neither help yourself or them. By empathizing with the people around you would find out other genuine problems which will make your self imposed struggles look like fruit flies. You might not feel like the guardian of this galaxy, but “We Are Groot”.
4. Exercise– Both mindfulness and a physical workout are essential for all residents of the milkyway galaxy. If done correctly you would be pushing the first dynamo towards a wholesome personality. Just like everything bad everything good is addictive too. You just have to give yourself long enough to get addicted.
5. Galvanize-Galvanize yourself into action. Lift your stable derrière off that seat and follow something you are passionate about, without wanting to be appreciated for it.Galvanize yourself into a better you everyday.
6. Improvise– You cant plan everything. The cosmos is to random to allow you to plan for everything. You will have to improvise along the way. The only way to learn how to improvise is to consciously practice it.

The shapelessness of stability

Stability hoodwinks you. It is a form of resistance which prevents you from fulfilling your actual potential. You study, then study some more and then study further in order to become a slave to the trade and then become used to your situation. Thinking that you are stable. Stability is like that mirage in the desert, it gives you hope but actually does not exist. Our universe is far too chaotic to allow permanence in stability. Rather than wasting your valuable life in trying to protect yourself from the depths of worldly troubles, one should learn to flow with the tide. As sooner or later the ocean will get to you.

Live like maverick lions, they are better off than mechanical apes,

What life do you lead, if its only about getting food on your plate.

Believe in destiny, let life take its own shape,

If you manage to kill fear, you would be blessed with the golden grapes.

If you aim at being stable, you would be like amoeba which replicates,

Expand your obvious paradigm  beyond your own resistance, dont hesitate.

Be in unison with the cosmos, let your soul resonate,

Its easy to be stable, try to get back into shape.




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