
6 ways to maximize the weekend

With the most anticipated part of the week upon you, you’d be looking forward to curing yourselves,even temporarily, from what you’ve been putting yourself through the entire week.

If you follow passionate pursuits, then you’d understand that everyday is the same. You enjoy work and hence it gives you relaxation, so you wont be needing specific days for rejuvenation. You would have daily activities to refresh your thought process.

But social conditioning refrains you from treating your passions too seriously. Hence the weekly slog, wherein the weekends are specially designated for rewarding yourself for the self enforced toil.

You choose to do things that you otherwise never would, just because you are paid for it,  in order to afford an influenced lifestyle. Influenced, by society to go one up on the neighbor or fooled by marketing scams to buy things you don’t actually need. If you look around yourself, you will find at least 5 items that you can do without.

Caught in the web of self enforced slavery, it is difficult to do anything else than sleep or temporary lose sense of time and space through indulgences whenever you get free time. So the weekend signals respite, the degree of which depends upon your interest in the work you do. You can easily find an individuals love for their profession by simply checking their status messages on Monday morning and Friday evening.


The real relaxation

The idea of limiting your rejuvenation to a couple of days sabotages your chance of real relaxation. It would be better if you spend some time  everyday revitalizing your energies. But here are 6 ways by which you can maximize your weekend:

1. Sit still– Get rid of your laptop, your oversmart phones for as long as you can and just notice things that you don’t usually do. Your sub conscious will intimate you about important things that you have been avoiding. Make a list of these and strike them off one by one.

2. Don’t waste time connecting online, surprise a friend– The significance of driving by certain streets and houses is increased when we reminisce the funs we have had on them while growing up. Same is the case when you pass by an old friends house, too busy to and too shy to drop in and say hello. Then you post messages about how time changes everything. This weekend go surprise a friend. Don’t plan, don’t stop yourself thinking the other guy would be busy, just go.

3. Do this– You have been avoiding your health. The expensive gym membership is being wasted. You don’t find the time throughout your busy week. If you have 15 minutes to try this workout and if you think you can do it regularly for just 2 weeks. I can assure you that you will keep doing it till 2 months.At the end of which you will find yourself in the best shape of your life.

If this is too hectic, spend some more time researching on home exercises. Or just ask me, I will be happy to help if I am not exercising.

4. Read– Yes we stopped reading after college. But learning being a perpetual process, it is essential that we invest some of our time reading. Its not practical to read thick books with the limited time people have, but there are blogs aplenty. These are highly subjective and succinct. My favorite are Zen habits, Brain pickings and you can try reddit as well.

5. Don’t plan a trip, make it– THe more time you waste planning the less time you have for action. Although long journeys might necessitate action plans but don’t let planning get in the way of taking action. Take a short trip around town, you will surprise yourself by the beauty you will discover.

6. Cook your own master piece– The idea of indulging is at its peak on the weekend. You might think it is a just reward for the strenuous slog during the week. But although it might satisfy your taste buds, food outside is mostly not that healthy. Even when it is, its not worth what you pay for it. But you can waste your hard earned money if you want. Or you can create a delicious masterpiece at home. Constructively using technology will get you recipes and a little effort will help you procure the ingredients. The feeling of creating something new, even insignificantly small, is unparalleled. Cooking gives you the chance to make your own masterpiece. It is healthier and not as expensive.

The perpetual weekend

If you are lucky to live the perpetual weekend, either you were born lucky, or you love what you do or you don’t do anything at all. For the others maximizing the weekend is very important. You can either make room for everything essential in this limited time or let it slide for a better time which will never come. The above mentioned tips will be cumbersome if you are lazy and helpful if you are willing to make a change for the good.

The importance of constructive use of technology cannot be over emphasized. Rather than only being a medium to share emotions,at times ones that don’t exist, technology can be used to learn and inspire. Use your weekends to churn the most out of technology but only after you are done with the more humane part of life.

Have a good weekend.

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