bad day

6 ways to make the most of bad days

bad day

The immenseness of your success doesn’t depend on what you do on a normal day but on what you do when the chips are down. How you react to that one foul day, when nothing seems to be going your way, defines how successful you eventually become. This day usually signifies the beginning of a slump but you have the power to transform it into the day when you expanded your will power to overcome obstacles and set forth on the relentless pursuit of your vision with renewed vigor.

Your progress as an individual depends on how you respond to pressure and how much stress you cope with. Thus the days when nothing works out act as tests of your grit and character. If you succumb once you give yourself a free pass to succumb every time, on the other hand if you bare with them without being too disheartened, you make it a habit of overcoming unavoidable circumstances without making much fuss. This transforms your mentality from the usual to a successful one. Once the mentality is in place, success is just a matter of time.

Here are 6 ways on how you can make the most of these bad days:

1. Understanding chaos, don’t push against the cosmos– Randomness is the only constant. There are so many sub plots to each of your plans for life, that you cant ever have total control over it. The laws governing your cosmos are far more random than any plans you might have. As a result you will come across variables, situations and people, you haven’t accounted for while making your strategies.

Once something unforeseen comes to being, you will always try to fight it, when you come across an immovable object, you always try to push it, knowing that you fight a superior force, knowing that the object wont move, you waste precious time. Recognize that the energies of your cosmos are grander than yours. Don’t waste time in fighting the bad day, it is part of an experience which will make you grittier. Only after absolute chaos do you actually find clarity.

2. Minor progress is progress too– Your efficiency might take a dip on the bad day, but this is no excuse for quitting. Even minor progress counts as progress. Working, even in an inefficient way, will move you forward. Wasting your time thinking about all the miseries surrounding you wont. At the end of the day the people who don’t lie in wait for the storm to end, are the ones who cross the ocean the fastest.

bad day

3. Limiting damage, live to fight another day- You get so consumed in fighting off the ills on that one day, that you damage yourself permanently. The problem pile up might make you believe that you have reached the day of the apocalypse, but if you just manage to survive with minimal damage to your motivation, you will wake up to a better and brighter dawn the next day.

Don’t get too caught up in temporary troubles as these can ruin the bigger dream that you have. Try to limit the damage by acting calm and composed when you face the universal fury, so that your bigger plans are on track.

4. It wont kill you, it will make you stronger– If you go through a troublesome day and manage to survive, you get the gift of adaptability. You are in a better situation of facing similar days in the future with minimum fuss. Your irritability index increases, you are less consumed by the universal meltdown and go about doing your job in a routine way. So bad days actually make you stronger.

5. Merely acting initiates magic– Yesterday I was having a severe head ache, lack of breathe because of a minor congestion, partial motivationlessness because of a lack of sleep. These conditions aren’t congenial for going to the fitness center. Yet somehow I managed to find my way to it. Where I started at a turtles pace, till the power of action caught up with me and I managed to complete my workout, with the usual zest and enthusiasm.

What I realized was, as I started acting my mind went off the negativity of the problems I had and gradually started focusing on the task at hand. Although it took me half an hour to get into peak efficiency, yet it wouldn’t have been possible had I not acted at all.

6. The process of becoming– In your process of becoming who you want to be, bad days act as your assessment tests. How you behave on these bad days defines how close to being successful you really are. A successful person is stronger, grittier, immune to circumstantial variance, composed and adaptable. The day you turn you start treating your bad day like any other ordinary day you will not qualify the assessment test to success. Hence utilize these bad days to access how far you have come towards realizing your dreams and what changes you need to make in yourself to get even closer.

Your response determines your progress

When you don’t care about empowering your own conscious, expanding the horizons of your thought and educating yourself with new skills, life will most certainly send you some curbs you wont be able to anticipate. How you respond to these curbs determines how far you go on your road to success.

Make a conscious effort of empowering , expanding and educating yourselves so that you can make the most of the bad days until the bad days become no different than the normal ones.

Have a Good Day.





Have a good day.


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