6 ways to be more than an organic spec on interstellar dust


You are nothing more than an organic spec on a mote of interstellar dust. Your incredible urge to be significant might make you build castles and empires, armies and weapons of mass destruction, yet you remain as trivial to the cosmos as the dust on a deserted street.

Yet you struggle and strive, chasing a better reality, a higher truth, a deeper realization, until you become a part of the interstellar infinity. You seldom wake up from your state of egoistic supremacy to realize how inconsequential you really are. You often forget that you are governed by the laws of the unbounded cosmos, to which you owe everything.

Your flashes of brilliance, your creative ingenious, your intellectual supremacy, your immaculate poise, your instinctive sparks, everything is possible because the universe allows it. Yet your ego makes you believe that you are some superhuman, doing a favor to the universe, merely by existing. Chasing significance is too unworthy a task for the gift of life you are bestowed with. Here are six things which are more worthier than merely attempting to be significant, 6 ways to be more than a mere organic spec on interstellar dust:

1. Accept insignificance– Don’t be too full of yourself or intimated by the vastness of the universe. Find the right balance between the two, the middle path is usually called gratefulness. The universe is awe evoking if your vision is beautiful, you should feel thankful to at least have the chance to be a part of it. Accepting your insignificance will make you more appreciative of the universal grandeur.

2. Make connections– Connect, with yourself, with the universe around you and then share this connection with others who you meet along the way. Actual significance lies in aligning with another soul, a man, woman or a dog. When two souls resonate at a common frequency there occurs an almost magical connection, where thoughts are conveyed subliminally, where words become unnecessary.

3. Aspire to leave this dimension in a better state than how you found it– The remote possibility that you have of being significant is through contribution to the betterment of your little race. But if you do it only because of this selfish interest, you are missing the point. Only unconditional endeavors will lend your soul the gratification to attain a sense of fulfillment. You should spend every living breath making or aspiring to make this world a place to live in.


4. Giving hope to the horrendous– Yes you will find miserable souls all around. Some suffering at the hands of time others responding apathetically to time still others just choosing to create havoc. Be the shining light to them, don’t let them spoil you, yet show them that the world still has hope, through your actions. As you let your own light shine, you unconsciously give other people the permission to do the same. It is easy to live for yourself in a world where very few care, yet it is necessary to show the world that at least somebody cares.

5. Learn to make little sacrifices for the greater good– Yes you come alone and you go alone, but you are always indebted to the universe for the little time you spend here. An austere lifestyle, a bone charring pilgrimage, regular visits to religious houses might appear has good ways of repaying your debt. But in all honesty, these are ways to satisfy your own karma. You have to make little sacrifices for the greater good, you have to act in a way so as to inspire people to care about each other, you have to pursue them towards betterment and you have to all of this on a daily basis. Although you might see no immediate results yet your intentions alone will initiate a cycle which will eventually lead to betterment.

6. Bliss outshines significance– Although you are infinitely dinky, but just because you are alive you still have a job to do. It most definitely isn’t chasing significance. It is to shine to the best of your ability so that you can lead the way for others who are wasting their time chasing significance so as to be their guiding light. You have the responsibility to spread love and care in the emptiest of places, give hope to the darkest of hearts, instill elation in every soul you meet. By doing this you wont only serve your purpose but also find your bliss, which is worthier than any significance you scope to attain.

Do not go gentle into that night


You have a chance to either seek empty significance or contribute towards a better universe. You can chose to direct your passions towards selfish ambitions or selfless reciprocation towards the gift of your life. For me this organic spec on the interstellar dust can never actually be noticed to be significant yet it can contribute towards making the dust sparkle or let it die down. Only when all the organic specs unite and shine together will we see a blinding flash which will make our mote sparkle.So find your spark and share it, otherwise insignificant we are and inconsequent we shall remain.

Have a good day.

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