Tag Archives: How to breathe

How to Breathe with a mask on the soul..

The failure to recognise and embody your Magnificent Wholeness leaves you Gasping for breath even in an environment of abundance even when you know how to breathe.


Although it is a necessity and although I don’t hate many aspects of this blissful life. But I hate wearing a mask as it hampers my direct and natural interaction with the surroundings. Your breath is the most intimate you can get with the world around you, that’s why most spiritual practices focus on how to breathe efficiently.


How to Breathe through a soul mask? 

The pandemic is a great exhibit of how limiting a mask is when clean, fresh air is all around you, of not breathing wholly even when you know how to breathe (autonomously).


It is a reference to going through a prosperous life wearing a mask of fear, not living wholly even after knowing how to live.

This invisible mask everyone wears is either deflated fear conditioned lack, inadequacy, or inflated self importance and entitlement.

Experiencing, Engaging and Exchanging with reality through this mask of limiting beliefs is detrimental for the respiration of your soul. The soul which at the begining was clearly aware on how to breathe on its own.

Self unworthiness and self doubt, are major consequences when your soul is not allowed it’s full exposure to life. When the mask of a limiting mind hampers every moment you are inefficient in all your interactions with life.

How to Breathe with a mask on in the physical sense?

Please keep the mask on in public places. Avoid public places to stay unmasked for longer.

Even when you can’t avoid wearing masks, make sure you take breaks from public eye, go to an isolated place and do some deep breathing without a mask for 2-3 mins.

Spend some time just as you wake up and before going to sleep to Intentionally practice deep breathing. This will be beautiful for respiratory function and also balance Life Force(Qi, Prana).

How to Breathe with a soul mask- the unmasking of the spirit?

These are picked up from a beautiful book and will provide excellent explorations of your mask of conditioned lack inadequacy.

Just shining the light of your attention on these will answer your question of how to breathe with a soul mask and make you connect to your highest spirit beyond the limitations of a separate identity.

1. Know in your heart of hearts that you lack nothing. Any story about being wounded, broken, or not good enough is simply not true. As these stories arise, stop engaging with them. Keep returning to presence, over and over.

2. Reflect on the ways you behave that don’t serve you. Can you see how these patterns are driven by a sense of lack? Take away the content of the story, and feel the sensations in your body, just as they appear. Let them come out of hiding! Meet them with the deepest acceptance.

3. Recognize that you’re aware, and stand squarely as awareness.

Is awareness bothered by any story?

When you stand as awareness, is anything lacking?

This is who you really are.

4. When you feel hurt, insulted, or rejected, challenge the story that grips you. Know that it doesn’t actually define who you are. Lose interest in the story, and directly experience what remains. Be present as the timeless now for whatever arises.

The physical mask is a big revelation as it helps understand how I have been loving with a metaphysical mask all my life. A mask which limits me from fulfilling my potential and makes me inefficient.

I am sure knowing how to breathe physically and metaphysically will help you as much as it has helped me.